In lecture, we learned about one-dimensional cellular automata
(see Unit9C) that displayed various interesting results (some patterns,
some random). In this lab, you will write some simple Ruby functions
to generate pictures like you saw in class for a one-dimensional
cellular automaton.
A cellular automaton will be represented in Ruby as an array
of 1's and 0's. Every position that has a 1 represents a black cell
and a 0 represents a white cell.
The code contains a function called display that displays
the current state of the automaton, using asterisks (*)
for black and spaces for white. Read through this function and
make sure you know how it works. Test it in irb to make
you understand its function.
Sample usage:
>> load "lab9.rb"
=> true
>> automaton = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
=> [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
>> display(automaton)
** * ***
=> nil
Write a function initialize1(n) that creates an array of
size n representing an automaton with n cells. Your function should
set all of the cells to white (0) except for the middle cell which
should be black (1). If there are an even number of cells, you
can decide where the middle is.
- To create a new array, use
- Use a loop to set all of the cells to 0 first. Then afterwards,
set the middle cell to 1.
Test your function by running it in irb.
Sample usage:
>> load "lab9.rb"
=> true
>> automaton = initialize1(9)
=> [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>> display(automaton)
=> nil
Write a function initialize2(n) that creates an array of
size n representing an automaton with n cells. Your function should
set each cell to a random color of black (1) or white (0).
(Each is set randomly.)
- To create a new array, use
- Use a loop to set each of the cells to 0 or 1, randomly.
- Think about using the rand function to generate
a random number between 0 and 1, inclusive.
Test your function by running it in irb.
Sample usage (your results will likely vary since we're dealing with
random number generation):
>> load "lab9.rb"
=> true
>> automaton = initialize2(9)
=> [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]
>> display(automaton)
** * ***
=> nil
We are now going to write a function that implements Rule 18
as shown in lecture. Recall that Rule 18 can be represented
visually as follows:
Write a function apply_rule(automaton) that requires
an array automaton representing a cellular automaton
and returns a new array representing the new state of the
automaton after Rule 18 is applied.
Follow this algorithm to apply Rule 18:
Create a new array called new_automaton that has
the same length as the array automaton.
For each index i of the array automaton do the following:
Set middle equal the value of automaton at index i.
If i is not 0, then set left equal to the value of
automaton at index i-1. Otherwise, set left
equal to 0.
If i is not the last valid index of automaton, then set right equal to the value of
automaton at index i+1. Otherwise, set right
equal to 0.
If left = 1 and middle = 1 and right = 1,
then set position i in new_automaton to 0.
If left = 1 and middle = 1 and right = 0,
then set position i in new_automaton to 0.
If left = 1 and middle = 0 and right = 1,
then set position i in new_automaton to 0.
If left = 1 and middle = 0 and right = 0,
then set position i in new_automaton to 1.
If left = 0 and middle = 1 and right = 1,
then set position i in new_automaton to 0.
If left = 0 and middle = 1 and right = 0,
then set position i in new_automaton to 0.
If left = 0 and middle = 0 and right = 1,
then set position i in new_automaton to 1.
If left = 0 and middle = 0 and right = 0,
then set position i in new_automaton to 0.
Return new_automaton as the final result.
Note steps D-K implement "Rule 18". If you read down the bits
along the end of the 8 steps, you get 00010010 which is 18 in binary.
Test your function in irb to make sure it works correctly.
Sample usage:
>> load "lab9.rb"
=> true
>> automaton = initialize1(9)
=> [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]
>> display(automaton)
=> nil
>> automaton = apply_rule(automaton)
=> [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
>> display(automaton)
* *
=> nil
We have supplied two functions, run1() and run2(),
that allow you to apply Rule 18 to a automaton with a single black
cell in the middle and a random set of black and white cells,
respectively. Run each to see what patterns emerge for Rule 18
on each initial automaton with 80 cells.