[THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE TO BE DONE AT THE START OF LAB WHEN YOUR MACHINE IS "ISOLATED". YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO THESE AHEAD OF TIME BUT WE PROVIDE THESE SO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WILL NEED TO DO ONCE THE EXAM STARTS AND ENDS. BE SURE YOU KNOW HOW TO START THE TERMINAL APPLICATION, CREATE A FOLDER, USE GEDIT, USE IRB, AND ZIP A FOLDER.] LAB EXAM 1 - INSTRUCTIONS 1. In your home directory, create a folder named labexam. 2. Write a function in Ruby for each of the following problems using gedit and store these functions in the labexam folder. Use the Ruby Reference Sheet to assist you with syntax issues. 3. Test your functions by calling them within irb. Although we give you sample test runs, your function should work completely based on the given specifications and your output should match the sample usage as closely as possible for full credit. Remember that we will run your code on additional test cases that are not shown on the exam. 4. Once you are finished, compress the labexam folder into a zip file and submit it to AutoLab (http://autolab.cs.cmu.edu) by the end of lab. Do not delete the labexam folder from your home directory in case we need to recover it.