15110 Spring 2012 [Cortina/von Ronne]

Lab 8 - Thursday, March 22, 2012

CA Demonstration

  1. Unit 8 Pt C
    1. simple.txt
    2. mult.txt


  1. simple.txt
  2. mult.txt
  3. mystery.txt
  4. mystery_trace.txt
  5. mystery.rb
  6. fahrenheit.txt (challenge)


Ruby Commands

include MARSLab
m = make_test_machine("marsprog.txt")

MARS Instructions

ADD a, badd the value at a to the value at b, storing the result at b
ADD #a, badd the number a to the value at b, storing the result at b
SUB a, bsubtract a from b, storing the result in b
DAT #bhalt the currently running MARS program;
the operand b can be used to store a number as data (hence, DAT for "data")
MOV a, bcopy the instruction at a to the location b
MOV #a, bcopy the number a to operand b of the instruction at b
JMP achange the pc so the next instruction executed is the one at a
JMZ a, bchange the pc so the next instruction executed is the one at a if the value at b is 0
JMN a, bchange the pc so the next instruction executed is the one at a if the value at b is not 0
CMP a, bcompare a with b, skip the next instruction if the two are equal
SLT a, bskip over the next instruction if a is less than b

Note: In the memory of the MARS virtual machine, all instruction have exactly two operands. When you dump an instruction that was originally written "DAT #b", you will see "DAT #0, #b", and when you dump an instruction that was originally written "JMP a", you will see "JMP a, #0".

A Simple Program

x       DAT #4
y       DAT #7
simple  ADD x, y
        DAT #0
        end simple


Multiply 5 and 9

x       DAT #5
y       DAT #9
acc     DAT #0
mult    ADD x, acc
        SUB #1, y
        JMN mult, y
        end mult


Self-Directed Activites

  1. Consider the following MARS program:

    in      DAT #6
    out     DAT #0
    l1      SLT #0, in
            JMP l2
            ADD #1, out
            SUB #2, in
            JMP l1
    l2      DAT #0
            end l1
    1. Save this program as mystery.txt, load it, and step through its execution. For each step in its execution, record the values of PC, in, and out in a table in mystery_trace.txt as shown below. The first few steps are done for you.

      PC	in	out
      *2	6	0
      *4	6	0
      *5	6	1
    2. If in is changed to be any non-negative integer, how will the value of out when the program halts be related to the value of in when the program starts? Write your answer at the bottom of mystery_trace.txt

    3. In mystery.rb, write a Ruby function mystery(x) that implements the same algorithm as this MARS program (gets the same result in the same way).

  2. Challenge: Write a MARS program that converts 8 degrees celsius into fahrenheit. Save this program as fahrenheit.txt.