Tushar Kusnur
Applied Scientist
Boston Dynamics AI Institute

About me

I am an Applied Scientist at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute, generally interested in sequential decision making and its applications to robotics. Prior to this, I earned a master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)’s Robotics Institute. I worked in the Search-Based Planning Lab (SBPL) and was advised by Maxim Likhachev and Oliver Kroemer. While my master’s thesis addressed search-based planning for robots performing sensor-based coverage, my other works included novel algorithms for probabilistic planning, multi-resolution heuristic search, and multi-agent pathfinding.

Tell me more!

Before starting the master's program at CMU, I worked as a research engineer at SBPL with Maxim Likhachev, during which time I also closely collaborated with Oren Salzman. Even before that, I earned an undergraduate degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) at BITS Pilani in Goa, India. In my final year, I worked with Michael Kaess in the Robot Perception Lab (RPL) at CMU on improving loop-closures for underwater SLAM—this doubled as my undergraduate thesis.
