Lyzard's Grin

Iron Ships

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Lyzard's Grin
1/1200 American Cival War

At some point in time, this line was renamed Houston's Ships. It was marketed under that name until 1990 when it was sold to Stone Mountain Miniatures.

IS 01  USS Keokuk - Ironclad Steamer and CSS Manassas - Ironclad Ram
IS 02  USS Monitor - Monitor and CSS Virginia - Ironclad Ram
IS 03  CSS Alabama - Screw Sloop-of-war
IS 04  CSS Albamarle and CSS Fredericksburg - Ironclad Rams          
IS 05  USS Onondaga - Double Turret Monitor
IS 06  USS Lafayette - Ironclad Ram
IS 07  USS Osage and USS Neosho - River Monitors          
IS 08  USS Tecumseh and USS Manhattan - Monitors          
IS 09  USS or CSS General S. Price - Wooden Ram
IS 10  USS Carondelet and USS Cairo - Ironclad River Gunboats          
IS 11  Torpedo Launches
IS 12  CSS Tennessee and CSS Arkansas - Ironclad Rams          
IS 13  Mortar Rafts
IS 14  CSS Atlanta - Ironclad Ram
IS 15  USS Roanoke - Triple-Turret Ironclad
IS 16  USS Passaic and USS Lehigh - Monitors
IS 17  USS or CSS General Bragg - Stemer
IS 18  USS Choctaw - Ironclad Gunboat
IS 19  CSS Tallahassee - Screw Steamer and CSS Nashville - Sidewheeler Steamer
IS 20  Transports - Stern Wheeler
IS 21  USS Kearsarge - Screw Sloop-of-War
IS 22  USS Winnabago and USS Milwaukee - Double Turret Monitors
IS 23  CSS Georgia - Floating Battery
IS 25  Transports - Sidewheelers
IS 26  HMS Scorpion and HMS Wyvern - Ironclad Turret Rams
IS 27  Tugs
IS 28  CSS Richmond and CSS Palmetto State - Ironclad Rams
IS 29  USS Benton and USS Essex - Ironclad Gunboats
©2001 This page may not be copied without permission. Last modified: September 10, 2001 by Thomas Pope