The visual medium evolved from early paintings to the realistic painti
ngs of the classical era to photographs. The medium of moving imagery started wi
th motion pictures. Television and video recording advanced it to show action "l
ive" or capture and playback later. In all of the above media, the view of the s
cene is determined at the transcription time, independent of the viewer.
We have been developing a new visual medium called virtualized reality. I
t delays the selection of the viewing angle till view time, using techniques fro
m computer vision and computer graphics. The visual event is captured using many
cameras that cover the action from all sides. The 3D structure of the event, al
igned with the pixels of the image, is computed for a few selected directions us
ing a stereo technique. Triangulation and texture mapping enable the placement o
f a "soft-camera" to reconstruct the event from any new viewpoint. With a stereo
-viewing system, virtualized reality allows a viewer to move freely in the scene
, independent of the transcription angles used to record the scene.
Virtualized reality has significant advantages over virtual reality. The
virtual reality world is typically constructed using simplistic, artificially-cr
eated CAD models. Virtualized reality starts with the real world scene and virtu
alizes it. It is a fully 3D medium as it knows the 3D structure of every point i
n the image.
The applications of virtualized reality are many. Training can become saf
er and more effective by enabling the trainee to move about freely in a virtuali
zed environment. A whole new entertainment programming can open by allowing the
viewer to watch a basketball game while standing on the court or while running w
ith a particular player. In this paper, we describe the hardware and software se
tup in our "studio" to make virtualized reality movies. Examples are provided to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the system.
We have a few visual media available today: paintings, photographs, movin
g pictures, television and video recordings. They share one aspect: the view of
the scene is decided by a "director" while recording or transcribing the event,
independent of the viewer.
We describe a new visual medium called virtualized reality. It delays
the selection of the viewing angle till view time. To generate data for s
uch a medium, we record the events using many cameras, positioned so as to cover
the event from all sides. The time-varying 3D structure of the event, described
in terms of the depth of each point and aligned with the pixels of the image, i
s computed for a few of the camera angles --- called the transcription angles
--- using a stereo method. We call this combination of depth and aligned in
tensity images the scene description. The collection of a number of scene
descriptions, each from a different transcription angle is called the virtua
lized world. Once the real world has been virtualized, graphics techniques c
an render the event from any viewpoint. The scene description from the transcrip
tion angle closest to the viewer's position can be chosen dynamically for render
ing by tracking the position and orientation of the viewer. The viewer, wearing
a stereo-viewing system, can freely move about in the world and observe it from
a viewpoint chosen dynamically at view time.
Virtualized reality improves traditional virtual reality. Virtual reality all
ows viewers to move in a virtual world but lacks fine detail as their worlds are
usually artificially created using simplistic CAD models. Virtualized reality,
in contrast, starts with a real world and virtualizes it.
There are many applications of virtualized reality. Training can become safer
and more effective by enabling the trainee to move about freely in a virtualize
d environment. A surgery, recorded in a virtualized reality studio, could be rev
isited by medical students repeatedly, viewing it from positions of their choice
. Telerobotics maneuvers can be rehearsed in a virtualized environment that feel
s every bit as real as the real world. True telepresence could be achieved by pe
rforming transcription and view generation in real time. And an entirely new gen
eration of entertainment media can be developed: basketball enthusiasts and broa
dway aficionados could be given the feeling of watching the event from their pre
ferred seat, or from a seat that changes with the action.
Stereo or image-matching methods, which are the key components in virtualized
reality, are well-studied. Precise reconstruction of the whole scene using a la
rge number of cameras is, however, relatively new. Kanade[6] proposed the use of multi-camera stereo using supercomputers for
creating 3D models to enrich the virtual world. Rioux, Godin and Blais[16] outlined a procedure to communicate complete 3D inf
ormation about an object using depth and reflectance. Fuchs and Neuman[3] presented a proposal to achieve telepresence for med
ical applications. Some initial experiments were conducted at CMU using the vide
o-rate stereo machine[7][9], by the team of UNC, UPenn and CMU
[2], and at Tsukuba by Ohta and Satoh[10].
Laveau and Faugeras[8] attempt "view transfer
" with uncalibrated cameras using epipolar constraints alone.
This paper introduces the concept of virtualized reality. We present the thre
e stages of creating a virtualized real scene --- scene transcription, structure
extraction and view generation --- in the next three sections. Early examples f
rom the virtualized reality studio are interspersed with the discussion to eluci
date the concepts. Our experimental setup at present consists of a 5m dome, 10 c
ameras and VCRs, a digitizing setup, several workstations and a Silicon Graphics
Onyx RE2 graphics workstation.
The central idea of this research is that we can virtualize real-world scenes
by capturing scene descriptions --- the 3D structure of the scene
aligned with its image --- from a number of transcription angles.
The scene can
be synthesized from any viewpoint using one or more scene descriptions. The
facility to acquire the scene descriptions is called the virtualized
reality studio. Any such studio should cover the action from all angles.
Stereo techniques used to extract the scene structure require images
corresponding to precisely the same time instant from every camera to be fed
to them in order to accurately recover 3D scene structure. We potentially need
to virtualize every frame in video streams containing fast moving events to
satisfactorily reproduce the motion. Therefore, the studio should have the
capability to record and digitize every frame of each video stream
synchronously. We elaborate on the physical studio, the recording setup and
the digitizing setup in this section.
Figure 1(a) shows the studio we have in
mind. Cameras are placed all around the dome, providing views from angles
surrounding the scene. Figure 1(b) show the
studio we have built using a hemispherical dome, 5 meters in diameter,
constructed from nodes of two types and rods of two lengths. We currently have
10 cameras --- 2 color cameras and 8 monochrome ones --- to transcribe the
scene. We typically arrange them in two clusters, each providing a scene
description, with the transcription angles given by the color cameras. The
cameras are mounted on special L-shaped aluminum brackets that can be clamped
on anywhere on the rods.
To synchronously record a set of cameras, a single control signal could be
supplied to the cameras to simultaneously acquire images and to the video
recording equipment to simultaneously store the images. In order to implement
this approach directly in digital recording hardware, the system would need to
handle the real-time video streams from each camera. For a single color camera
providing 30images per second, 512x512 pixels per image, 3 color bands per
pixel, and 8 bits per color band, the system would need to handle 22.5 MBytes
of image data per second. Even if loss-less compression could reduce this
bandwidth by a factor of 3, a small, a 10-camera system would need a sustained
75 MBytes per second of bandwidth in addition to real-time image compression.
Typical image capture and digital storage systems, however, fall far short of
providing this capacity. For example, our current system --- a Sun Sparc 20
workstation with a K2T V300 digitizer --- can capture
and store only about 750 KBytes per second. Specialized hardware could improve
the throughput but at a substantially higher cost.
We developed an off-line system to synchronously record frames from
multiple cameras. The cameras are first synchronized to a common sync signal.
The output of each camera is time stamped with a common Vertical Interval Time
Code (VITC) and recorded on tape using a separate VCR. The tapes are digitized
individually off-line using a frame grabber and software that interprets the
VITC time code embedded in each field. We can capture all frames of a tape by
playing the tape as many times as the speed of the digitizing hardware
necessitates. The time code also allows us to correlate the frames across
cameras, which is crucial when transcribing moving events. Interested readers
can refer to a separate report[17] for more
details on the synchronous multi-camera recording and digitizing setup. Figure 2 shows a still frame as seen by six
cameras of the virtualizing studio digitized using the above setup.
We use the multi-baseline stereo (MBS) technique [9] to extract the 3D structure from the multi-camera
images collected in our virtualized reality studio. Stereo algorithms compute
estimates of scene depth from correspondences among images of the scene. The
choice of the MBS algorithm was motivated primarily by two factors. First, MBS
recovers dense depth maps -- that is, a depth estimate corresponding to every
pixel in the intensity images --- which is needed for image reconstruction.
Second, MBS takes advantage of the large number of cameras that we are using
for scene transcription to increase precision and reduce errors in depth
To understand the MBS algorithm, consider a multi-camera imaging system in
which the imaging planes of the cameras all lie in the same physical plane and
in which the cameras have the same focal length .
For any two of the cameras, the disparity (the difference
in the positions of corresponding points in the two images) and the distance
to the scene point are related by
The multi-baseline stereo technique attempts to eliminate this trade-off by
simultaneously computing correspondences among pairs of images from multiple
came ras with multiple baselines. In order to relate correspondences from
multiple image pairs, we rewrite the previous equation as
One way to find correspondences between a pair of images is to compare a
small window of pixels from one image to corresponding windows in the other
image. The correct position of the window in the second image is constrained
by the camera geometry to lie along the epipolar line of the position in the
first image. The matching process involves shifting the window along this line
as a function of ,
computing the match error --- using normalized correlation or sum of squared
differences (SSD) --- over the window at each position, and finding the
minimum error. The estimate of inverse depth, ,
is the at this minimum.
To demonstrate the advantages of multi-baseline stereo, consider the data
presented in Figure 3. Part (a) shows match
error as a function of for 3 camera pairs.
In this set of cameras, we see both of the problems
previously discussed: poor localization (in the top curve) for a shorter
baseline and false minima (in the bottom curve) for a longer baseline.
Applying the multi-baseline stereo algorithm to this data yields the error
curve in Figure 3(b). This curve has only
the single minimum at the correct location with a sharp profile.
Window-based correspondence searches suffer from a well-known problem:
inaccurate depth recovery along depth discontinuities and in regions of low
image texture. The recovered depth maps tend to "fatten" or "shrink" objects
along depth discontinuities. This phenomena occurs because windows centered
near the images of these discontinuities will contain portions of objects at
two different depths. When one of these windows is matched to different images,
one of two situations will occur. Either the foreground object will occlude
the background object so that depth estimates for the background points will
incorrectly match to the portion of the foreground in the window, or both the
foreground and background regions will remain visible, leading to two likely
candidate correspondences. In regions with little texture --- that is, of
fairly constant intensity --- window-based correspondence searches yield
highly uncertain estimates of depth. Consider, for example, a stereo image
pair with constant intensity in each image. With no intensity variation, any
window matches all points equally well, making any depth estimates meaningless.
To address this inaccuracy in depth recovery, we could reduce the window
size used during matching, potentially matching individual pixels. This
approach reduces the number of pixels effected by depth discontinuities. By
doing so, however, we also reduce the amount of image texture contained within
the window, increasing the uncertainty of the recovered depth estimate.
Conversely, we could increase the size of the window to give more image
texture for matching. This action increases the image texture contained in the
window, but also increases the area effected by the discontinuities.
Optimizing the window size requires trading off the effects of the depth
discontinuities with those of the low-texture regions.
In order to work around this trade-off, we have incorporated an
interactive depth map editor into our process of structure extraction. Rather
than send the MBS-computed depth maps directly on to the next processing stage,
we instead manually edit the depth map to correct the errors that occur during
automatic processing. While a good window size still helps by reducing the
number of errors to be corrected, it is less important in this approach
because the user can correct the problems in the depth maps. We are currently
exploring modifications to the stereo algorithm in an effort to reduce or
eliminate this need for human intervention.
For general camera positions, we perform both intrinsic and extrinsic
camera calibration to obtain epipolar line constraints, using either an
approach from Szeliski and Kang [13] or one
from Tsai [14]. Using the recovered
calibration, any point in the 3D coordinate system of the reference camera can
be mapped to a point in the 3D coordinate system of any of the other cameras.
To find correspondences, we again match a reference region to another image as
a function of inverse depth . To find the position
in the second image
corresponding to this inverse depth, we convert the reference point and
inverse depth into a 3D coordinate, apply the camera-to-camera mapping, and
project the converted 3D point into the other image. As with the
parallel-camera configuration, the full search is conducted by matching each
reference image point to the other images for each possible .
We then add the match error curves from a set of image pairs and search
for the minimum of the combined error function.
Figure 3 (c) shows the depth map recovered by applying this approach to
the input images shown in Figure 2. The
depth map has 74 levels for a depth range of 2 meters to 5 meters.
We described how to "virtualize" an event in terms of a number of scene
descriptions in the previous sections. The medium of virtualized reality needs
to synthesize the scene from arbitrary viewpoints using these scene
descriptions. To render the scene from other viewpoints using graphics
workstations, we translate the scene description into an object type, such as
a polygonal mesh. We texture map an intensity image onto the rendered polygons,
generating visually realistic images of the scene. Graphics workstations have
specialized hardware to render them quickly. A Silicon Graphics Onyx/RE2 can
render close to 1 million texture mapped triangles per second.
We describe how new views are generated from a single scene description
first. The generated view will be lower in quality as the viewpoint gets far
from the transcription angle. We discuss how we can use multiple scene
descriptions to get realistic rendering from all angles.
A scene description consists of a depth map providing a dense three
dimensional structure of the scene aligned with the intensity map of the scene.
The point (i, j) in the depth map gives the distance of the
intensity image pixel (i, j) from the camera. We convert the
depth map into a triangle mesh and the intensity map to texture to render new
views on a graphics workstation. There are two aspects of performing this
translation realistically: object definition and occlusion handling.
Graphics rendering machines synthesize images of a scene from an arbitrary
point of view given a polygonal representation of the scene. Texture mapping
pastes an intensity image onto these rendered polygons, generating visually
realistic images of the scene from arbitrary view points. We currently
generate a triangle mesh from the depth map by converting every
section of the depth map
into two triangles. Figure 4 illustrates how
the mesh is defined. The (x, y, z) coordinates of each point in the
image are computed from the image coordinates and the depth, using the
intrinsic parameters of the imaging system. Each vertex of the triangle also
has a texture coordinate from the corresponding intensity image. This simple
method results in
triangles for a depth map of size .
The number of triangles for the depth map
shown in Figure 3 is approximately 200,000.
Though this is a large number of triangles, the regularity makes it possible
to render them efficiently on graphics workstations.
We reduce the number of triangles in our scene definition by adapting an
algorithm developed by Garland and Heckbert that simplifies a general dense
elevation/depth map into planar patches[4].
The algorithm computes a triangulation using the smallest number of vertices
given a measure for the maximum deviation from the original depth map. The
procedure starts with two triangles defined by the outer four vertices. It
repeatedly grows the triangle mesh by adding the vertex of maximum deviation
and the corresponding triangle edges till the maximum deviation condition is
reached. Using this technique, we have reduced mesh size by factors of 20 to
25 on typical scenes without affecting the visual quality of the output.
The simple rendering technique described above treats the entire depth map
as one large surface, connecting pixels across depth discontinuities at object
boundaries. This introduces an artificial surface bridging the discontinuity,
with the few pixels of texture stretched over the surface. When generating
views for angles far from the transcription angle, these surfaces become large
and visually unrealistic; in Figure 5(a),
for instance, the person and the wall appear to be connected. We therefore
delete these artificial surfaces by not rendering the triangles that overlap
discontinuities, resulting in "holes" as seen in Figure 5(b). We fill these holes using other scene
descriptions as explained in Section 4.2.
Figure 6 shows how the example scene
appears from a few different viewpoints when rendered with this technique.
While still not completely realistic --- we expect to see something behind the
man --- the visual realism of this method is far superior to the initial
The discussion to this point has focussed on virtualizing a single, static
scene. It is also possible to virtualize moving scenes by virtualizing each
frame separately. The resulting virtualized reality movie can be played with
the viewer standing still anywhere in the world by rendering each frame from
the viewer's position. The scene can also be observed by a viewer whose
movement through the world is independent of the motion in the scene. Figure 7 shows seven frames of a basketball
sequence from the reference transcription point and from a
synthetically-created moving viewpoint.
There are two reasons for combining the scene descriptions from multiple
transcription angles while generating new views. First, as discussed in
Section 4.1, depth discontinuities appear as
holes in views far from the transcription angle when using a single scene
description. We should "fill" these holes using a scene description from
another transcription angle for which the portion of the scene is not occluded.
Second, the intensity image used for texturing gets compressed or stretched
when the viewing angle is far from the transcription angle, resulting in poor
quality of the synthesized image. If the viewer strays far from the starting
position, we should choose the most direct transcription angle for each
viewing angle to minimize this degradation.
Filling the gaps requires some thought. In a well calibrated ideal world,
the scene descriptions computed from different transcription angles will match
one another exactly. In practical systems, however, they will be misaligned
somewhat due to the errors in calibration and matching. The triangle vertices
that fall on the gap contours will not exactly match in two transcription
angles. These factors complicate view merging.
One strategy is to combine the scene descriptions from all transcription
angles ahead of time to generate a model of the scene that contains all the
necessary detail. Several methods are available to register and model objects
from multiple range images[5][11][12][15]. Such a consolidated model attempts to give one
grand description of the entire world. We only require the best partial
description of the world visible from a particular viewing angle at any time.
Such a partial description is likely to be more accurate due to its limited
scope; inaccuracies in the recovery of the portion not seen will not affect it.
It is likely to be simpler than a consolidated model of the scene, lending
easily to real time view generation. The partial description we use consists
of a reference scene description from the transcription angle closest to the
viewing angle plus one or two supporting ones. The reference description is
used for rendering most of the view and the supporting ones are used for
filling the gaps.
For combining the views from the reference and the supporting scene
descriptions, we currently use the simple strategy of combining at image level.
We render the image for the same viewing angle using the reference
transcription angle and the supporting ones. The holes in the rendering of the
reference description are filled directly with the pixel values from the
rendering of another. Figure 8 shows a scene
rendered from the same view point using the reference scene description and
using a supporting scene description. It also shows the result of combining
them at the image level. This method holds promise when the transcription
angles are fairly densely distributed.
We introduced and elaborated on the concept of virtualized reality in this
paper. It combines techniques from computer vision and computer graphics to
virtualize a real world event and to let a viewer move about freely in
the virtualized world. We also demonstrated the efficacy of virtualized
reality using scenes virtualized in our studio to make such movies. It is
today possible to virtualize an event such as a surgery and let trainees move
about it in a realistic recreation of the surgery in a manner they prefer. We
plan to push the training and entertainment applications of virtualized
reality in the future.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Richard Szeliski and Sing Bing
Kang for the use of their calibration program. We also acknowledge the use of R
eg Wilson's calibration program.
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
2 Scene Transcription
3 Structure Extraction
4 View Generation
5 Conclusions
6 References
1 Introduction
2 Scene Transcription
2.1 The Studio Setup
2.2 Synchronous Multi-camera Recording
3 Structure Extraction
3.1 Fundamentals of Multi-Baseline Stereo
is the baseline, or distance between the two camera centers. The simplicity
of this relation makes clear one very important fact: the precision of
the estimated distance increases as the baseline between the cameras
increases. In theory, the cameras can be placed as far apart as possible.
Practical experience using stereo systems reveals, however, that increasing
the baseline also increases the likelihood of mismatching points among the
images. There is a trade-off between the desires for correct correspondence
among images (using narrow baselines) and for precise estimates of scene depth
(using wide baselines).
which indicates that for any point in the image, the inverse depth
() is constant since there is
only one depth for
that point. If the search for correspondences is computed with respect to
, it should
consistently yield a good match at the correct value of
independently of the baseline
. With multiple
(more than 2) cameras, correspondences can now be related across camera pairs,
since the searching index
is independent of the baselines. The resulting
correspondence search combines the correct correspondence of narrower
baselines with the higher precision of wider baselines, and it has been proven
that it yields a unique match of high precision [9].
3.2 Depth Map Editing
3.3 General Camera Configurations
4 View Generation
4.1 Using a Single Scene Description
4.1.1 Object Definition
4.1.2 Occlusion Handling
4.1.3 Experimental Results
4.2 Merging Multiple Scene Descriptions
5 Conclusions
6 References