A Javascript Implementation of C4.5 Decision Tree Algorithm

Author: Yandong Liu. Email: yandongl @ cs.cmu.edu. Date: 2013.4

Drop data file here
Click to load sample data: |

Introduction: There have been a few implementations of decision tree classifiers on the Web such as https://github.com/willkurt/ID3-Decision-Tree but I found they don't deal with real values which significantly constraints their application. Below one can handle both real and categorical values.

Usage: You need define 3 variables: training_data, features, and test_data.

You can define all three vars in one .js file and drag it over to the drop area above.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.8.1.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="learningjs.js"></script>

var training_data=[
{ sepal_length:'5.1',sepal_width:'3.5',petal_length:'1.4',petal_width:'0.2',label:'Iris-setosa' }, 
{ sepal_length:'4.9',sepal_width:'3.0',petal_length:'1.4',petal_width:'0.2',label:'Iris-setosa' }, 
{ sepal_length:'4.7',sepal_width:'3.2',petal_length:'1.3',petal_width:'0.2',label:'Iris-setosa' }

var features={'sepal_length':'real','sepal_width':'real','petal_length':'real','petal_width':'real'};

var test_data=[
{ sepal_length:'6.1',sepal_width:'2.6',petal_length:'5.6',petal_width:'1.4',label:'Iris-virginica' },
{ sepal_length:'7.7',sepal_width:'3.0',petal_length:'6.1',petal_width:'2.3',label:'Iris-virginica' },
{ sepal_length:'6.3',sepal_width:'3.4',petal_length:'5.6',petal_width:'2.4',label:'Iris-virginica' },

var tree = new learningjs.tree();
//train a model. parameters: training data, label column, features, callback for trained model
tree.train(training_data,'label', features, function(model, err){
  if(err) {
  } else {
    //classify single instanes
    $('body').append('prediction: ');
    $('body').append('prediction: ');
    $('body').append('prediction: ');
    //compute overall accuracy on multiple instances
    model.calcAccuracy(test_data, 'label', function(acc){
      console.log('accuracy: '+acc);
      $('body').append('accuracy: '+acc);

Here's a demo page for above code. You can also try a few datasets by clicking various data buttons above, or drag your pre-defined data .js file (such as this one) to the drop area.

Use in nodejs: Similarly you need to import the lib and do the same:

  var learningjs = require('./learningjs.js');
  var tree = new learningjs.tree();
  var training_data = [...];
  var features = {...}
  var test_data = [..]
Here's a demo file for its application in nodejs.

License: MIT

Also see the source code