Optimization for machine learning
Estimator choice:
First we need to write out the function to be optimized.
- Point estimate: Maximum Likelihood. Obtain the single point (model parameters $\theta$) that maximizes the probability data is generated from your model $p(Data; \theta)$.
- Bayesian point estimate: Maximum A Posteriori. Obtain the single point (model paramters $\theta$) that maximizes the posterior probability $p(\theta | Data)$
- Fully Bayesian approach: estimate the mean and variance
To minimize/maximize a function $F$, there are a few choices:
Gradient descent:
- only needs first derivative of $F$. simple to implement
- each iteration is cheap
- has an extra parameter (learning rate)
- features better be rescaled
- for linear regression, if use normal equaiton, no need to resclae
Subgradient descent:
- When objective is convex but not smooth (e.g. hinge loss)
Conjugate gradient:
Newton's method:
- needs first and second derivatives of $F$ (Hessian matrix)
- each iteration is expensive
- but converges much faster
- $\theta = \theta - H^{-1}\bigtriangledown_{\theta}l(\theta)$. $\bigtriangledown_{\theta}l(\theta)$ is the partial derivative wrt $\theta$. $H$ is the Hessian matrix.
Limited-memory BFGS
- stanford videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McLq1hEq3UY