Computer Vision for Biomedical Image Applications:
Current Techniques and Future Trends
An International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop
Beijing, CHINA
Date: October 21, 2005
Time: 8am - 6pm
Location: Beijing Hotel
Important Notice
#1: To all contributing authors --- The poster stand is approximately 1.0m x 2.4m (width x height) (!!! just changed by ICCV!!!).
#2: To CVBIA authors and program committee members --- Register for a Round-Table-Lunch-with-Speakers on October 21 by sending an email message to as soon as possible .
#3: To all interested --- The book proceedings of CVBIA can be purchased on-line now at ICCV registration website for a discounted price of $40 each . The proceeding is not included in the registration.
With the rapid increase in the variety and quantity of biomedical imaging in the past few years, we see a growing number of computer vision technologies applied in biomedical applications. The time is ripe for us to take a closer look at the successes and lessons learned in this research sub-domain, and to strategically position our future research directions. The scientific goal of this workshop is to examine the effects of diverse applications of computer vision techniques to biomedical image applications, considering both current methods and promising new trends. A novel workshop format will be used to enforce three additional goals of providing the opportunity for direct interactions between (1) prominent senior researchers with young scientists, including students, post-doctoral associates and junior faculty; (2) local researchers with international leaders in biomedical image analysis; and (3) computer scientists with medical doctors.
Each contributed paper must be authored primarily by a young scientist, and should reflect an in-depth understanding of both the biomedical image analysis problem being addressed and the computer vision techniques being applied. Accepted papers will be included in a printed proceeding as a book series, Lecture Notes of Computer Science published ( by Springer. A set of best papers from this workshop will be recommended for a special issue in the Medical Image Analysis (MIA) Journal. Please submit your paper, no more than 10 pages, in LNCS format. The review process for this workshop is single-blind.
Please e-mail submissions to
Submission Deadline: July 1, 2005
Acceptance Notification: August 1, 2005
Camera-Ready Copy: August 15, 2005
Chair: Yanxi Liu ( Carnegie Mellon University
Local Chairs: Tianzi Jiang ( National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition
Changshui Zhang ( Tsinghua University
Administrative Coordinators: Janice Brochetti (, Carnegie Mellon University
Zhongbao Kou ( ), Tsinghua University.
Invited Speakers (confirmed):
Nicholas Ayache (INRIA, FRANCE)
Eric Grimson (MIT, US)
Noble (Oxford, England)
Charles Stewart (RPI, US)
Advisory Board:
Program Committee:
Jonas August (Ph.D.), CMU, USA
Jim Becker (Ph.D.), UPMC, USA
Margrit Betke (Ph.D), Boston University
Owen Charmichael, University of Pittsburgh and CMU, USA
Albert Chung (Ph.D.), University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China
Christos Davatzikos (Ph.D.), UPenn, USA
Yong Fan (Ph.D), UPenn, USA
Fernando De La Torre Frade (Ph.D), CMU, USA
Polina Golland (Ph.D.), MIT, USA
Eric Grimson (Ph.D.), MIT, USA
David Hawkes (Ph.D.), King's College, UK
William Higgins (Ph.D), Penn State University, USA
Tianzi Jiang (Ph.D.), CASIA, China
Nicole Lazar (Ph.D.), University of Georgia, USA
Shuqian Luo (Ph.D.), Captical University of Medical Science, China
Carolyn Meltzer (M.D.), UPMC, USA
Alison Noble (Ph.D.), Oxford, England
Linda Shapiro (Ph.D.), Univ. of Washington, USA
Dinggang Shen (Ph.D.), UPenn, USA
Peng Cheng Shi (Ph.D.), Hong Kong, China
Larry Staib (Ph.D.), Yale, USA
George Stetten (M.D./Ph.D.), University of Pittsburgh and CMU, USA
Charles Stewart (Ph.D.), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Rahul Sukthankar (Ph.D.), INTEL, USA
Paul Thompson (Ph.D.), UCLA, USA
Baba C. Vemuri (Ph.D.), Univ. of Florida, USA
Max Viergever (Ph.D.), Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Yongmei Michelle Wang (Ph.D.), UIUC, USA
Simon K. Warfield (Ph.D.), Harvard Medical School, USA
William (Sandy) M. Wells III (Ph.D.), Harvard Medical School, USA
James Williams (Ph.D.), Siemens Research, USA
Faguo Yang (Ph.D), UPenn, USA
Xiaolan Zeng,
EDDA Technology, Inc
Changshui Zhang (Ph.D.),
Tsinghua University, China
Guang-Zhong Yang (Ph.D.), Imperial College, London
Tu Zhuowen, (Ph.D.), Siemens Research, USA
Please e-mail with inquiries.
Last Updated 9/10/2005.