Security in Agent Communities



Semantic Web Technologies

     MultiAgent Systems
     Electronic Commerce

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Ecommerce transactions are commanding an ever-increasing share of commercial transactions. We not only browse for online catalogs but also shop, bank, pay bills and participate in auctions online. This increasing prevalence of ecommerce transactions necessitates that we find appropriate protocols by which to secure these transactions.

The general goal of this research is to answer questions regarding the specific requirements that electronic commerce protocols need to achieve, and how the protocols can achieve them. In our assessment, ecommerce protocols form a distinct class of cryptographic protocols; in order to be correct, they must conform to a unique set of criteria. We have specified the criteria that ecommerce protocols must meet in consideration of a concept we call, "protection of individuals' interests." This concept underlines the types of difficulties that beset a cryptographic treatment of ecommerce interactions, and provides the principle for evaluating them.

We develop the formal properties of "protection of individuals' interests," and then develop a framework by which protocols can be evaluated with reference to it. We then develop a model for analyzing protocols.


Security has been implemented in the following applications:


Copyright 2006 - 2012 © Advanced Agent-Robotics Technology Lab - The Robotics Institute - Carnegie Mellon University

Internal Site (Restricted Access).