Computer Graphics 2: 15-463, Spring 1997

Administrative Info

Place and Time: Tue/Thu 9:00-10:20 in Doherty Hall A317. To get there, go to Wean 5th floor and walk east.

Registrar's info about this course

Professor: Paul Heckbert

Teaching Assistant 1: Sundar Vedula Teaching Assistant 2: Noah Gibbs

Non-electronic handouts missed in class may be picked up from my secretary: Phyllis Pomerantz

What's where


Required Text

Optional Texts

Foley, Gonzalez, and Watt should be available at the bookstore at the beginning of the semester. Gonzalez and Watt should be in the E&S library on reserve for the entire semester.


Assignments must be done by you alone unless you have permission from the instructor to work in a group. You may use Maple or similar systems to help with algebra on assignments, but where you do, turn in a transcript. After you turn in a programming assignment, do not modify the files you turned in until your work is graded (put corrections elsewhere).


You can use any language or machine you like. The Silicon Graphics Indy's in Wean 5205 are most recommended, since they have 24 bits per pixels ( software on cluster machines). Machines with 24 bits per pixel are preferable, since several of the assignments require high quality filtering, which is very difficult to judge on a dithered 8 bit display. It will be possible for you to do the assignments on 8-bit color workstations or PC's, however. Some software libraries we will use are Xforms (user interface library), Xlib (X window system), and optionally OpenGL.

15-463 Web Page