The topics of the class are rendering (image synthesis) and image processing. The class meets Tue/Thu 9:00-10:20 in Doherty Hall A317. To get there, go to Wean 5th and walk east.
Instructor: Paul Heckbert (
TA's: Sundar Vedula (, Noah Gibbs (
Administrative Info. textbook, policies, grading, etc.
Lecture Notes. Postscript, PDF, and Latex files. New notes are typically available a day or two before the corresponding lecture.
Assignments. Programming and written assignment handouts.
Students: text version with web links; image version.
Class Newsgroup: cmu.cs.class.cs463. Please Subscribe.
Related courses at CMU: 15-462, Computer Science, Robotics, Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Design. Jan. 1997