Instructor: Ramayya Krishnan Class Times: 5:30pm-9:00pm, Th Classroom Location Office: 2109A HBH E-mail: Phone: 268-2174 Fax: 268-7036 Class Bboard: org.heinz.dss Teaching Assistants: Sumit Dutta Chowdhury Sumit's Office Hours: TTh 3:30-5pm
My name is Ramayya Krishnan. I am an Associate Professor of Management Science and Information Systems at The Heinz School. My teaching and research interests are in Decision Support Systems and Telecommunications Management.
My office is 2109A Hamburg Hall. I will usually be available to meet in my office 4pm-5:30pm on Thursday. However, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment with me. You should also use the bboard and email to communicate with me and the TAs. Remember that all postings to the bboard are public. If you would like to send me a message, please use email.
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Performance on homeworks and a semester long project will determine your grade in this class. The homeworks will test your ability to integrate an understanding of organizational context, decision processes, and information/modeling technologies. The the semester long project will give you ample opportunity to develop your systems analysis, design and implementation skills. By design, most homeworks and the projects will be open ended will require you to structure problems and synthesize solutions.
All work in this class will be completed by students working together in groups of three. Each group will be assigned a grade, and the grade will apply to each member of the group. Informed and effective participation in classroom discussions is an important component of the class and will contrubute toward your grade.
If you have any comments, about the course or any other matter, send me email at
Ramayya Krishnan
This page and its subordinate pages are copyright © 1995-1996 by Ramayya Krishnan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA. They are made available only for non-profit educational use. All other rights are reserved.