Commonly used words in zephyrgrams

These are the 986 most commonly used words in zephyrgrams. The list of words of six or more letters and the list of words that aren't in the dictionary are more interesting.
     occurrences   word
     -----------  ------
       23802       the
       14957       to
       12475       a
       12181       i
        9127       is
        8996       of
        8076       in
        8008       it
        7938       and
        6775       that
        6491       you
        5409       for
        4667       on
        3890       have
        3448       be
        3033       are
        2973       not
        2936       this
        2761       if
        2728       with
        2725       was
        2680       or
        2629       at
        2492       but
        2401       what
        2363       my
        2309       do
        2202       from
        2171       they
        2149       just
        2077       can
        1982       so
        1961       as
        1952       there
        1869       about
        1857       an
        1804       get
        1755       one
        1725       all
        1705       don't
        1703       like
        1681       no
        1675       will
        1664       me
        1633       out
        1602       up
        1580       has
        1575       we
        1568       your
        1525       by
        1487       how
        1458       think
        1450       know
        1421       when
        1301       anyone
        1290       would
        1285       cs
        1275       some
        1257       i'm
        1251       it's
        1227       now
        1204       1
        1169       -
        1158       he
        1144       does
        1067       more
        1054       which
        1053       cmu
        1041       should
        1035       use
        1015       time
        1008       any
        1002       then
         986       only
         982       who
         965       want
         957       2
         926       than
         912       --
         904       afs
         896       them
         891       people
         880       new
         871       been
         865       right
         846       usr
         841       well
         837       had
         836       edu
         830       where
         826       0
         824       file
         804       go
         797       could
         796       see
         787       too
         780       why
         770       other
         762       way
         749       3
         745       something
         740       good
         736       did
         735       need
         709       their
         707       were
         702       thanks
         685       make
         678       work
         670       his
         668       doesn't
         653       got
         652       here
         645       news
         631       into
         630       that's
         624       5
         609       over
         606       am
         602       also
         594       really
         584       can't
         581       back
         581       much
         575       last
         574       yes
         556       first
         551       down
         545       try
         545       going
         540       still
         538       say
         535       probably
         535       off
         535       said
         528       maybe
         524       misc
         524       sure
         523       etc
         514       machine
         511       those
         507       run
         502       before
         502       using
         495       george
         494       i've
         494       never
         490       after
         487       thing
         482       even
         482       andrew
         480       read
         480       x
         475       find
         474       c
         473       zephyr
         468       4
         466       emacs
         466       didn't
         465       used
         462       better
         459       someone
         459       i'll
         458       because
         456       mail
         451       running
         449       take
         448       user
         445       actually
         444       yeah
         442       10
         439       us
         439       since
         439       being
         436       may
         434       might
         432       around
         432       two
         425       things
         423       bin
         415       com
         415       name
         414       its
         413       look
         412       most
         411       mosaic
         409       you're
         409       problem
         405       s
         404       oh
         403       man
         397       else
         394       thought
         393       same
         392       page
         390       guess
         390       these
         390       stuff
         389       system
         383       ok
         380       what's
         380       set
         374       files
         371       help
         367       though
         366       server
         366       very
         363       him
         362       again
         359       line
         358       e
         358       our
         354       home
         354       anything
         349       landay
         348       long
         346       version
         344       seems
         340       many
         340       another
         339       6
         339       i'd
         338       office
         337       mean
         336       course
         335       give
         330       tell
         328       isn't
         326       least
         325       local
         322       list
         317       come
         317       next
         316       yet
         316       put
         315       while
         315       looks
         314       such
         313       number
         313       james
         312       program
         307       years
         306       getting
         305       year
         301       trying
         299       message
         296       today
         296       big
         295       fine
         293       under
         293       code
         292       through
         291       every
         291       there's
         291       8
         290       believe
         289       minutes
         287       send
         286       doing
         283       w
         283       says
         281       having
         276       computer
         274       works
         273       real
         273       test
         273       call
         273       few
         273       question
         272       bad
         270       already
         268       remember
         267       gnu-emacs
         267       both
         264       mach
         264       sorry
         263       day
         262       7
         261       must
         261       seen
         261       world
         261       found
         258       seem
         258       place
         256       software
         256       instance
         256       pretty
         254       old
         254       ago
         253       net
         253       without
         252       start
         249       she
         248       30
         247       little
         247       hey
         246       done
         246       either
         246       let
         246       each
         244       own
         244       change
         244       wrong
         244       9
         242       check
         242       made
         240       access
         240       ftp
         240       her
         239       00
         238       always
         237       point
         236       different
         234       show
         234       heard
         233       post
         233       between
         232       idea
         231       o
         229       enough
         228       working
         225       unix
         223       b
         223       type
         223       game
         221       able
         221       phone
         220       times
         219       called
         219       alpha
         218       days
         218       available
         218       talk
         218       information
         218       week
         217       cool
         217       clarinet
         216       group
         216       once
         216       lib
         216       students
         216       free
         216       won't
         216       ever
         215       please
         215       11
         215       directory
         214       19
         214       great
         214       window
         213       rather
         212       g
         212       left
         211       haven't
         211       lemacs
         210       end
         209       lot
         207       _
         207       machines
         207       address
         205       kill
         204       anyway
         204       20
         204       night
         204       data
         202       case
         201       nice
         200       n
         200       support
         200       info
         198       ms
         198       internet
         196       bit
         196       ask
         195       public
         194       servers
         194       messages
         194       service
         194       everyone
         193       groups
         193       they're
         192       html
         192       until
         192       away
         191       bsy
         191       sounds
         191       command
         191       looking
         190       wouldn't
         190       problems
         190       space
         189       15
         188       whether
         188       www
         187       open
         186       via
         184       u
         184       state
         183       add
         183       '
         182       far
         181       dec
         181       scs
         181       nothing
         181       part
         180       article
         179       hard
         179       error
         178       general
         178       hours
         176       keep
         174       full
         174       instead
         174       tried
         173       h
         173       food
         173       telnet
         172       less
         172       true
         172       foo
         171       best
         171       14
         171       source
         171       told
         171       network
         170       against
         170       copy
         170       lisp
         170       d
         169       went
         169       gets
         168       makes
         168       senate
         168       gnus
         167       screen
         166       pittsburgh
         166       saw
         166       reason
         166       12
         166       university
         165       disk
         165       student
         165       talking
         165       means
         164       btw
         163       he's
         163       mac
         163       damn
         163       m
         162       fucking
         161       t
         159       wait
         159       personal
         158       default
         158       ps
         158       car
         158       somewhere
         158       text
         157       re
         157       http
         157       perhaps
         157       okay
         155       everything
         155       shit
         155       dead
         155       power
         154       process
         154       anybody
         154       18
         154       control
         153       key
         153       1993
         153       gonna
         152       person
         152       school
         151       second
         151       sent
         151       lines
         150       couple
         150       lots
         150       figure
         150       answer
         149       wasn't
         149       include
         149       el
         149       f
         149       movie
         148       write
         147       house
         147       move
         146       whatever
         145       unless
         145       upi
         145       close
         145       aren't
         144       paper
         144       gusciora
         143       sort
         143       93
         143       coming
         143       windows
         143       mind
         142       ''
         142       supposed
         142       possible
         142       reading
         141       current
         141       order
         141       soon
         141       making
         141       project
         140       top
         140       ah
         139       city
         139       police
         139       interesting
         138       department
         138       log
         138       quite
         137       during
         137       fun
         136       high
         136       interested
         136       email
         136       r
         135       turn
         135       16
         135       facilities
         135       we're
         135       zwgc
         135       guy
         134       needs
         134       xterm
         133       hope
         133       clamen
         132       interface
         132       vote
         132       p
         132       money
         131       shell
         131       jch
         131       fast
         131       play
         131       life
         130       17
         130       host
         130       sun
         130       fix
         129       wants
         129       mode
         129       leave
         129       hmm
         128       subject
         128       word
         128       dinner
         128       ls
         127       wonder
         127       half
         127       given
         127       root
         127       fact
         126       research
         126       job
         126       standard
         125       000
         125       kind
         125       connection
         125       cal
         125       users
         125       past
         125       side
         125       months
         124       win
         124       100
         124       book
         124       stop
         124       numbers
         123       guys
         123       several
         123       room
         122       systems
         122       tonight
         122       class
         122       jonathan
         122       easy
         121       uses
         121       fuck
         121       worked
         121       anwar
         120       saying
         120       apparently
         120       ones
         120       bet
         120       meet
         119       care
         119       grep
         119       month
         119       head
         119       following
         118       later
         118       goes
         117       started
         117       cut
         117       large
         117       link
         117       script
         117       sense
         116       50
         116       buy
         116       slip
         116       came
         116       names
         116       three
         115       common
         115       sunos
         115       color
         115       small
         114       happened
         114       comes
         114       output
         113       cc
         113       oops
         113       memory
         113       pages
         112       date
         112       live
         112       l
         112       let's
         111       stupid
         111       exactly
         111       based
         111       whole
         111       took
         111       others
         111       sippy
         111       hit
         111       newsrc
         111       slow
         111       print
         110       american
         110       v
         110       late
         110       understand
         110       correct
         110       area
         109       workstation
         109       eat
         109       although
         109       assume
         108       lose
         108       newsgroups
         108       deal
         108       gripe
         107       team
         107       weather
         107       tmp
         107       folks
         107       hour
         106       switch
         106       asked
         106       plan
         106       13
         105       discussion
         105       movies
         105       netnews
         105       white
         105       special
         105       company
         104       except
         104       note
         104       display
         104       url
         104       radio
         103       clinton
         103       knows
         103       24
         103       mit
         103       sports
         103       pc
         103       death
         103       gp
         103       src
         102       per
         102       wanted
         102       pay
         102       password
         102       bags
         102       format
         102       25
         101       report
         101       drive
         101       gcc
         101       128
         101       comp
         101       technology
         101       sys
         101       faster
         101       ucla
         101       matter
         100       client
         100       login
         100       entry
         100       playing
         100       tv
         100       black
         100       box
          99       issue
          99       clear
          99       environment
          99       trn
          99       you'll
          99       hear
          99       'em
          99       floor
          99       feel
          98       thinking
          98       love
          98       watch
          98       received
          98       return
          97       couldn't
          97       morning
          97       country
          97       gone
          97       women
          97       example
          97       president
          97       shouldn't
          96       netnews-2
          96       hmmm
          96       major
          95       huh
          95       lost
          95       happens
          95       -l
          94       load
          94       campus
          94       hungry
          94       dos
          94       weeks
          94       almost
          94       karl
          94       sigh
          94       articles
          93       along
          93       useful
          93       release
          92       library
          92       air
          92       myself
          92       takes
          92       bug
          92       __
          91       latex
          91       finally
          91       taking
          91       million
          91       starting
          90       grad
          90       god
          90       within
          90       ideas
          90       however
          90       front
          90       jan
          90       currently
          89       happen
          89       programs
          89       path
          89       kernel
          89       york
          89       mine
          89       23
          89       missed
          89       video
          88       changed
          88       posted
          88       search
          88       security
          88       weird
          88       hell
          88       single
          88       certain
          88       business
          87       gopher
          87       online
          87       uh
          87       sound
          87       often
          87       yup
          87       buffer
          87       save
          87       friday
          87       omega
          87       shows
          86       gives
          86       simple
          86       pmax
          85       field
          85       latest
          85       services
          85       exist
          85       size
          85       options
          84       usually
          84       seconds
          84       games
          84       cache
          84       outside
          84       bill
          84       er
          84       random
          84       extra
          83       leaving
          83       hot
          83       finger
          83       national
          83       according
          83       aug
          83       sources
          83       dunno
          83       agree
          83       you've
          83       behind
          83       worth
          83       40
          82       cable
          82       sparc
          82       wow
          82       asking
          82       friend
          81       modem
          81       yesterday
          81       menu
          81       knew
          81       os
          81       form
          81       law
          81       fixed
          81       csh
          81       fs
          81       due
          81       21
          81       light
          80       war
          80       function
          80       runs
          80       meeting
          80       hand
          80       early
          80       seeing
          80       boy
          80       pick
          80       rest
          79       gave
          79       toad
          79       important
          79       level
          79       postscript
          79       earlier
          79       ip
          79       document
          79       art
          79       looked
          79       waiting
          78       handle
          78       yourself
          78       garnet
          78       faculty
          78       defense
          78       broken
          78       apple
          78       forget
          78       meant
          78       z
          78       happy
          77       string
          77       beta
          77       la
          77       miles
          77       plus
          77       reasonable
          77       22
          77       alt
          77       party
          77       known
          77       killed
          77       ie
          77       main
          77       cause
          77       claims
          76       nt
          76       site
          76       nntp
          76       die
          76       trouble
          76       government
          76       count
          76       port
          76       claim
          76       story
          75       core
          75       college
          75       become
          75       besides
          75       reports
          75       total
          75       expect
          75       allow
          75       including
          75       john
          75       hasn't
          75       response
          75       compile
          75       break
          75       longer
          75       packets
          75       entire
          75       future
          74       nope
          74       cannot
          74       picture
          74       nobody
          74       database
          74       berkeley
          74       pass
          74       perl
          74       account
          74       official
          73       washington
          73       manual
          73       dkindred
          73       dnntpd
          73       wean
          73       zephyrs
          73       certainly
          73       difference
          73       terminal
          73       traffic
          73       forgot
          73       science
          73       tex
          72       market
          72       31
          72       hardware
          72       opr
          72       rules
          72       monday
          72       building
          72       body
          72       appears
          72       books
          72       multiple
          72       language
          72       words
          71       bogus
          71       bottom
          71       sucks
          71       men
          71       dnntp
          71       sex
          71       ibm
          71       appropriate
          71       sign
          71       tty
          71       hate
          71       speed
          71       inside
          70       likely
          70       somebody
          70       you'd
          70       recent
          70       performance
          70       2nd
          70       jim
          70       clari
          70       beer
          70       easier
          70       osf
          70       press
          70       vs
          70       chance
          70       bunch
          70       suppose
          70       argument
          70       reference