Zephyr Instances

This list contains all 9860 zephyr instances seen. See also the top 50 zephyr instances. If you're curious who's responsible for the instance explosion, see this. Scott Draves keeps a list of generally accepted zephyr instances.


creator        instance
-------        --------
  e u

  e u     

jhutz          !grumble
nix            ""
dennis         "english"
dennis         "english".d
terra          (test)
jrrl           (www.netscape only
psu            +++
ghn            ++d--
clee           +emacs
sippy          -graffiti.pinhead
zack           -m
bnoble         -newsbites.d
ghn            .d.--
gusciora       .mosaic.where.will.mosaic.look.for.gv.I.already.have.gv
clee           .xinitrc
tfm            /a//
landay         101.blah
jch            101.blah.bait
landay         101.blah.variance
roc            101.uses.for.a.gigabit.network
dcs            101.uses.for.a.gigabit.network.d
jslttery       101.uses.for.a.gigabit.network.tv
jrs            104.7
jch            10pm-coding
robby          15-519:test@ANDREW.CMU.EDU
jrs            1993 Gourman Report on Graduate Schools
jrs            1993 Gourman Report on UNDERGraduate Schools
dennis         1rstyears
dennis         1rstyears.d
psu            1rstyears.d.whine
dennis         1rstyears.strange.things
ghn            1st-years
roc            1styears
karl           1styears.reminiscence
bsy            20:28:46
bsy            20:36:11
kg2n@ANDREW    212
dcs            2xist.d
ghn            2xist.newsbits
vs0r@ANDREW    2xist_d
rempel         3:45
bershad        433
jch            4600
phoebe         5212
jrs            5:48 am
gusciora       65_tons_of_oil_equals_three_18_wheeler_truck_loads_so_big_shit
ghn            6DOS
gusciora       6_legged_frogs
spok           6dos
rochberg       6dos.availability
bnoble         6dos.d
mxf            6dos.info
rudis          6dos.simple-question
dmaltz         740
ghn            8086
jrs            A Generous Man is Always Willing to Cut His Friends a Deal
dennis         A joke
jrs            A nightmare I had last night
landay         AAAAAAAAAAARGH
hgobioff       AAAAAAAAARRRGH
bnoble         AC
roc            ACM
wah            AFS-help
dlc            AFS-sucks-rocks
jrs            AFS.sucks
mprice         AI.core
ghn            AIPS.d
jrs            AIR
josullvn       AI_at_work
dennis         ATM-plus
fwc            ATOM
kosak          Ace of Base Dance Jam
stichnot       AceOfBaseJam
tfm            Ack!
tfm            Ack!.d
jrs            Adam Berger is everywhere
roc            AdamBergeriseverywhere
dennis         Admissions
gusciora       All_is_secure
jrs            Amazing innovation at CMU
jrs            American sexual values are twisted
dennis         Amtrack
jrs            And now for the really twisted among you
anwar          B1FF
jch            BF mail
clamen         BF-email
landay         BF-mail
clamen         BFemail
gusciora       Bait_is_dead
gusciora       Bait_the_Lurker_Bait_the_Lurker
jrs            Beginning a bright and cheery day
ghn            Beginnings
gusciora       Bible_Review
jch            Big Comrade Is Watching You
gusciora       Bill_Clinton_actually_created_several_jobs_in_Haiti
hgobioff       BladeRunner
hgobioff       Bladerunner
dlc            Blame George
gusciora       Blame-George
bsy            Bleah
elf            Bored
kosak          Burg thing.haiku
vs0r@ANDREW    C++
terra          C++.d
pwp            C++.opinion
landay         C-language
mnr            C-style
robby          CHANGED
dennis         CLRS
andrej         CMU_keys
hgobioff       CS815
jch            Captain, the heat sink will nae take it
stichnot       Carry a shovel?
kosak          Carry a shovel?.speculation
santa          Christmas
gusciora       Clinton_snubs_British_Prime_Minister
gusciora       Clinton_to_check_in_with_control
hgobioff       Coke
mthomas        Current outside air temperature at the 8th floor in the shade
davide         DEC.is.weird
davide         DEC.is.weird.d
dcs            DH, Wean lockdown
gusciora       DINNER
gusciora       DONT_LOOK_HERE
dcs            DOOD!
jch            DOOD!.d
gusciora       Dan_Quayle_was_right_Die_Murphy_Brown
tfm            Dave.Barry.Calendar
tfm            Dave.Barry.Calendar.strange.things
jrs            Death of an Entertainment Center
gusciora       Did_you_hear_me
gusciora       Die_endangered_obsolete_flying_spaz_birds
jrs            Dinner
anwar          Dinner.d
anwar          Dinner.indian_summer
alma           Dole
gusciora       Earth
phoebe         End
jrs            Ending a bright and cheery day
clamen         English
jab            English eats German alive
terra          English.d
gusciora       Eric_Thayer
gusciora       Erik_Thayer
clee           FAT
gusciora       FREE
bsy            FYI
gusciora       Fish_swimming_in_two_waters_takes_the_baits_and_runs_with_it
anwar          Food
jrs            For you weirdos who hate Madonna
jrs            For you weirdos who love Madonna
jslttery       Fortran Question
psu            Fortran Question.d
pwp            Frag E. T.
clee           French
jeanc          Friday
toad           Friday.d
dennis         Fries and a coke with my mpeg
gusciora       Fuck_Willy
clamen         GEagle
sprite         GEagle.d
tfm            GOOD TIMES
stichnot       GRAFFITI
ehn            GeorgeBot.v1
jab            GeorgeBot.v1.d
jch            George_You_Ignorant_Slut
tfm            Gnus5
visigoth       Gnus5.0
tfm            Gnus5.d
tfm            Good Times
hgobioff       Graffiti
jrrl           GtLiP
stichnot       GtLiP.d
gusciora       Gulf_war_revenues_still_rolling_in
bsy            Gusciora.d
gusciora       Gusciora_vs_Landay
rwh            HELP.TEX
anwar          HOTT
sippy          HS-UX
tfm            Hallowe'en.PSA
tfm            Hallowe'en.PSA.d
gusciora       Here_is_a_dead_bug_dear_I_love_you
gusciora       Hey_Shithead
jrs            How to recognize blurbs written by PR droids
gusciora       How_about_this_one_scumbags
sippy          I hate the unwashed masses
bnoble         I hate the unwashed masses...
jrs            I need a vacation
sleator        I was wondering the same thing myself. Can you use spaces?
anwar          I-get-free-patriot-missiles-from-the-us-coz-im-from-an-oil-rich-country
josullvn       I-get-free-uzis-from-the-us-coz-im-irish
ghn            I.feel
gusciora       I.meant.to.type.their.instead.of.typing.there
gusciora       I.think.only.recently.that.choice.of.programming.language.has.a.significant.and.potentially.positive.effect.on.quality.of.code.generated.
clamen         I.wonder.if.toad's.zephyr.instance.name.statistics,collector.is.still.running?
landay         IC

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