Zephyr Instances

This list contains all 9860 zephyr instances seen. See also the top 50 zephyr instances. If you're curious who's responsible for the instance explosion, see this. Scott Draves keeps a list of generally accepted zephyr instances.

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creator        instance
-------        --------
jch            IC.d
toad           IC.d.d
clamen         INS
josullvn       IRA
gusciora       I_am_not_a_weenie
kosak          I_like_ducks_but_so_does_Rex
hgobioff       Ice.skating
gusciora       If_recycled_paper_really_did_consume_less_Earth_resources_than_it_would_cost_less
jrs            Ig Nobel Prize ceremony
gusciora       Im_a_bonehead
rp2y           Imake.help
sleator        Irix 5.3 question
dennis         John Lafferty
gusciora       Judas_Republican
gusciora       Kindred
jch            LA comes to PA
rp2y           LIS.d
rp2y           LaTeX.d
gusciora       Landay_My_Hero
qma            Latex
jmount         Librarians.Rule.computer.scientists.suck
rp2y           Linux
dennis         M&M
gusciora       MAUI.DATE
rudis          MAUI.DATE.d
mprice         MAUI.FOOD
gusciora       MAUI.MOSAIC.HELP
gusciora       MAUI.MOSAIC.PAGE
gusciora       MAUI.TO.THE.BEACH
gusciora       MAUI.WEATHER
landay         MAUI.WEATHER.d
gusciora       MAUI.WEATHER.french.losers
gusciora       MAUI_WEATHER
jch            MAUI_WEATHER.d
jch            MCI.sux
gusciora       MESSAGE
rochberg       MESSAGE.d
rp2y           MIME
clamen         MINE
stichnot       MTC
terra          MacBait
clee           MacSlip
astro          MacTrouble
sam            Macintosh
gusciora       Mario_slaps_pucks_into_the_nets
stichnot       Marked for death
gusciora       Maui.WEATHER
kosak          Mavis_slaps_Chuck_that's_what_he_gets
danvy          Merci
mjw            Mosaic
bsy            Mosaic.quick.question
snl            NDIM
mthomas        NDIM:test
snl            NDIM:users
bsy            NT
snl            NeXT
jrs            Neurotic celebrities are sooo romantic
jch            Newsbites
hgobioff       Noteworthy
kosak          OJ's run
andrej         OS-project
jrs            Ohmigawd I could just die!!!!
tfm            Ohmigawd I could just die!!!!.d
gusciora       Olivia-Newton-John
kosak          Olympics
jrs            On the Internet, nobody knows you're a twit
jrs            Once every four minutes
jrs            One day, rappers will rule the earth
gusciora       One_year_ago_today
gusciora       Only_a_naive_moron_would_believe_Bill_Clinton
clamen         PA
bwolen         PA-residency
kosak          PC.nomenclature.recursive
johnmil        PC.nonunix.baseline
hgobioff       PC.unix
stichnot       PERSONAL.d
anwar          PITTSBURGH.WEATHER.d
shinrich       Paragon
kwalker        Personal
alma           Powell
landay         PowerMail
jrrl           PowerPC
sippy          Prince
bg11@ANDREW    Quotes
dennis         RCS
hgobioff       RFC
jrs            RISKS
dkindred       RMSmacs.doesn't
karl           RPP
roc            RPP.Sharon
ghn            RPP.d
jmount         RPP.grep
dennis         RS6000
jrs            Rapper lite:  All the flavor with half the hormones
dennis         Reality Optional
mthomas        SDDD
jrs            See, corporations really DO care about our needs
jrs            Sex Scandal
bsy            Sippy
stichnot       Sippy_is_a_weenie
gusciora       Sippy_is_weenie
gusciora       So_much_for_that_theory
jrrl           Software.question
roc            Some.of.us.use.zwrite.and.have.to.worry.about.the.shell.quoting.crap
rp2y           Sparc.help
hgobioff       Sun
rp2y           SunOS.help
gusciora       TAIWAN.WEATHER
hsw            TAing
bnoble         TG
ref            TOM
clee           TV
gusciora       Ted_Keneddy_fucks_and_then_wrecks
jch            The End Of Objectivity
phoebe         The End of Objectivity
jrs            The NSF Curse
jch            The dumbing-down of America
hgobioff       The.Student.Union
gusciora       The_Brady_Bill
gusciora       The_EC
gusciora       The_dawn_of_the_Environmental_Hegemonic_Crypto_Fascist_Super_State
gusciora       The_lingering_fallacy_of_George_Bush
gusciora       The_real_environmental_bad_guys
gusciora       The_right_never_to_be_offended
gusciora       There_is_a_more_effective_way_to_reduce_the_demand_for_paper
dn1l           Thinfs_to_do_today
gusciora       Things_to_do_today
gusciora       This_week_in_Hawaii
tfm            Top10.olestra
baird          Trek.Ren
dlc            Ttilted Square
jrs            UK Top 40
johnmil        US
clee           USAir
marius         USAir.certificates
jrs            Upcoming seminars
clamen         WEATHER.MAUI
ehn            WOD
ehn            WRCT
jch            WRCT.d
gusciora       WRRK
ak4q@ANDREW    WWW
gusciora       Waste_Burner
johnmil        WeH3rd.soda
psu            WeH3rd.soda.d
jrs            Wedding TG at 4:30
gusciora       What_a_Wimp!
jrs            Why phone databases should not be entrusted to computer programmers
gusciora       Why_kind_of_lameo_prison_is_this
bsy            WiReD
tew            Wiki Wiki
johnmil        WinNt.C2
johnmil        Windows.NT
jch            Windows.NT.d
josullvn       Words-Buzzwords-and-Balderdash
hgobioff       Www
dennis         X
dlc            X sucks
josullvn       X-help
johnmil        X.and.PPP
rp2y           X.help
psu            X.resources
snl            X.straw.poll
jslttery       X.stuff
stichnot       X.sux
psu            X.whine
mthomas        X11
ghn            X11.d
andrej         X11.security
dcs            X11.security.d
anwar          Xdefaults
jl             YEP
gusciora       Yeah.like,when.the.MIPS.assembler.automatically.assigns.a.hexidecimal.address.to.a.label.that.I.specify.possibly.with.just.the.word.label.then.that.I.think.is.good
gusciora       Yet_another_natural_resources_shortage__This_time_its_water
hgobioff       Zephyr
hgobioff       ZephyrHelp
rwd            Zeppelin
jmount         [++]graffiti
davide         [,x,l]emacs
dkindred       a.Talk.d
clee           a.Talk.you.Might.Interested
dennis         a4-printing
sippy          aa
abl            aaai
sippy          aal
sippy          aalii
sippy          aam
sippy          aani
sippy          aardvark
sippy          aardwolf
sippy          aaronic
sippy          aaronical
sippy          aaronite
sippy          aaronitic
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