Zephyr Instances
This list contains all 9860 zephyr instances seen. See also the top 50 zephyr instances. If you're curious who's responsible for the instance explosion, see this. Scott Draves keeps a list of generally accepted zephyr instances.[Back] [Forward]
creator instance
------- --------
mummert aarrrghghhhh
sippy aaru
sippy ab
sippy ababdeh
sippy ababua
sippy abac
dogan able
dlc about time
psu about.last.night
psu about.last.night.d
pwp about.last.night.d.d
asp absurdly-long-german-word-of-the-day
jch absurdly-long-german-word-of-the-day.d
landay ac
mjw academicquestions
landay academics
gusciora accolades
phoebe accordiana
phoebe accordion
clamen accordion.d
ghn ace of DBase
pww ace of base
stichnot ace of base nonjam
kosak ace of base, revisited
ghn ace of base.c.d
jch ace of base.contender
jslttery ace of base.d
jch ace of base.d.d
kosak ace of base.haiku
ghn ace of debase
kosak ace-of-base-dance-jam
roc ace.of.base.d
roc aceofbase.d
gusciora acheage
terra acid
dkindred acid.d
tfm acid.d.d
dcs aclu.d
scarp acrobat.help
landay acronym
asp acronym.challenge
terra acronym.d
roc acronyms
clamen acronyms.d
jch actually physical plant sucks
sleator ad.killing.vcr
sippy address
johnmil addresses
landay admissions
roc admissions.NOT.sports
landay admissions.d
bnoble admissions.notes
asp adobe.wins
phoebe advice
stichnot advisor-tree
toad advisor-tree.d
nettles advisors
amf aero-bars
dcs aerobics
karl afs
karl afs-andrew-msgs
jslttery afs-forcast
mthomas afs-forum
dennis afs-help
landay afs-net
karl afs-osf20
landay afs.I.thought.that.was.stanfurd
landay afs.also.UCLA.sucks.but.U$C.swallows
jhutz afs.announce
clee afs.backup
terra afs.bait
psu afs.bait.meta
jslttery afs.bitch&moan
landay afs.bnoble.sucks
bnoble afs.bottom-line
ajw afs.burp
bnoble afs.but.landay.swallows
ghn afs.cache
terra afs.curious
vs0r@ANDREW afs.curious.coda
terra afs.curious.king.clusion
dennis afs.d
lowekamp afs.damn
rempel afs.damn.d
ajw afs.emergency
landay afs.graffiti
sippy afs.grumble
kosak afs.haiku
jhutz afs.help
bnoble afs.help.d
pwp afs.landay.has.poor.sense.of.humor
karl afs.linux
snl afs.lossage
psu afs.odd
karl afs.osf20
kosak afs.outage.game
snl afs.poetry
kosak afs.poetry.afs
snl afs.poetry.d
andrej afs.safe
psu afs.safe.d
jslttery afs.servers
mjw afs.servers.d
jrrl afs.sh*t.sh*t.sh*t
landay afs.spew
snl afs.suckage
landay afs.suckage.d
rp2y afs.sucks
dcs afs.sucks.d
landay afs.sucks.ddd
bnoble afs.thats.$tanfurd.to.you.buddy
andrej afs.the.undead
ghn afs.useless.toys
ghn afs.weird
rempel afs.whatever.theyre.writing.now...
mjw afs.working.properly.in.future
terra afs/network
clee afs?
jch agraffiti
landay ahhh
jslttery ahhh lisp
rempel ahs
roc ai
jslttery ai-forum
pwp ai-retreat
roc ai.assignment
richm ai.reference
hgobioff ai.retreat
bsy ai.talk.pitt
andrej aikido
jrs air
qma air-fare
jmount air.cond
jmount airbags.on.about.airbags
dcs airfare
josullvn airfares
marius airfares.d
dcs airline
dennis airlines
jch airlines.d
phoebe airlines.jab
andrej airplane.tickets
dkindred airplane.tickets.d
lindaq airport
marius aix
clee aix+netscape
mthomas aix+netscape.d
jch aix-forum
andrej aix-forum.X11
jch aix-forum.cool
mattz aix-forum.d
psu aix-forum.d.d
bnoble aix-forum.diabolical
bnoble aix-forum.facetious
psu aix-forum.fake.audio
bnoble aix-forum.fs
psu aix-forum.fs.d
jslttery aix-forum.fvwm
jch aix-forum.graffiti
toad aix-forum.graffiti.d
psu aix-forum.grammar
terra aix-forum.grumpty.old.main
terra aix-forum.grumpty.old.man
jch aix-forum.hardware
dkindred aix-forum.in-your-face
jslttery aix-forum.in-your-face.childish
rochberg aix-forum.info
psu aix-forum.sddd
jslttery aix-forum.software
abl aix-forum.wasting.time
abl aix-forum.wasting.time.thesis.avoidance
jch aix-forum.xboing
jch aix-forum.xgal
jslttery aix-forum.zephyr
jl aix-fourm
jl aix-orum
clee aix.d
hgobioff aix.forum
psu aix.forum.perl
jl aix_forum
dennis alarm
jch alarm.d
tfm alarm.haiku.olestra.last.night
dennis alaska
clamen alex
dennis alex & xmosaic
dennis alex.d
anwar algorithms
sasha algorithms.core
andrej algorithms.homework
psu algorithms.last.night
psu all documentation
gusciora all_is_secure
md5i@ANDREW allegro-cl
jslttery allegro.cl
andrej alma
rochberg alma.or.jslttery
bdz alpha
stichnot alpha-forum
snl alpha-forum.d
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