Zephyr Instances
This list contains all 9860 zephyr instances seen. See also the top 50 zephyr instances. If you're curious who's responsible for the instance explosion, see this. Scott Draves keeps a list of generally accepted zephyr instances.[Back] [Forward]
creator instance
------- --------
dennis alpha-gripe
dcs alpha-osf.forum
karl alpha-osf1-forum
baird alpha-osf1-forum.d
snl alpha-osf1.afs
snl alpha-osf1.forum
dcs alpha-osf20
ghn alpha.cc
petel alpha.cc.d
karl alpha.forum
dennis alpha.graffiti
dcs alpha.osf20.help
dcs alpha_osf-forum
snl alpha_osf1
karl alpha_osf1.forum
karl alpha_osf20
jslttery alpha_osf20-forum
rempel alphas
rochberg alphas.d
terra alphas.d.d
karl alphen
jmount alplet.patent
jch alt.cs-students.die.die.die
marcoz alt.fan.andrzej
dennis alta vista
sprite alta vista.d
clamen alum-watching
anwar alumni
jrs american
jslttery american holidays
terra american.d
jch american.d.d
landay amickish
jrs and while you're at it, try not to use more than 8 letters.
landay and_the...
gusciora and_the_problem_is
nix and_the_problem_is?
gusciora and_the_vogon_is
landay and_the_winn...
sippy and_the_winner_is
sippy and_the_winner_is.d
anwar and_the_winner_is.graffiti
andrej andrej
hgobioff andrew
mummert andrew.fucks^H^H^H.weenies
rp2y andrew.help
ralph andrew.ids
roc andrew.zephyrs
hgobioff andrwe
clee andrzej.zface.d
ghn anfs
tomstr anja
jeanc announce
toad announce.d
landay announce.graffiti
terra announce.graffiti.d
rudis announce.graffiti.d.d
rowan announce.www.ic_contest
baird annoying
anonymoose anon
rochberg anon-6dos
spot anon-anon-anon-anon-anon-anon-sillyness
spot anon-anon-anon-anon-anon-finite-loop
spot anon-anon-anon-anon-anon-infinite-loop
spot anon-anon-anon-anon-anon-sillyness
spot anon-anon-anon-anon-finite-loop
spot anon-anon-anon-anon-infinite-loop
spot anon-anon-anon-anon-sillyness
spot anon-anon-anon-finite-loop
spot anon-anon-anon-infinite-loop
spot anon-anon-anon-sillyness
spot anon-anon-banishings
spot anon-anon-finite-loop
spot anon-anon-infinite-loop
spot anon-anon-sillyness
spot anon-banishings
spot anon-facilities.announce
spot anon-finite-loop
wah anon-ftp
spot anon-graffiti
spot anon-infinite-loop
spot anon-sillyness
dcs anon-test
spok anon-test.d
dcs anon-zephyr.d
jab anonymizer
landay anonymous
ralph anonymous.d
anonymoose anonymous.delayed
roc anonymous.delayed.d
jslttery anonymouse.d
lindaq another.real.example
psu another.real.example.d
gusciora another.url.failure.log
gusciora another_sense_of_humor_failure.log
gusciora another_url_failure.log
alma anti-porn.feminism
rp2y antiquated.software.help
snl antiquated.software.help.d
anwar anwar
lindaq anyone-wholl-listen
lindaq anyone.seen.roc
clamen aol
asp aol.delayed
kwalker apology
ghn apostrophes.d
mthomas apostrophes.d.d
ghn apostrophesd
rhp april
anwar april 1
jch april.fools
hgobioff arabica
dlc arafat
roc archive
dennis area code
mthomas area code.d
ref area.code
ref area.code.d
mummert area.codes
jmount arghh
landay arilines
bnoble arp
lindaq arpa-eat-my-shorts
dcs arpa.conspiracy
dennis art
jmount art.announce
spok arts
clamen arup
kosak as.lame.as.trek
dennis asbestos
jslttery ascii-forum
dennis askbovik
landay askbovik.d
sippy asp
toad astronomy
jrrl astronomy.weird
rp2y atk.help
fwc atom
landay attach
landay audio
jrrl author-signing
dcs auto-reply boneheads
sasha automatic.weapons
jch automatic.weapons.d
rempel aux-forum.d
johnmil awfully.quiet
landay awk
bsy awk.d
bsy awkward.english.help.version.control.d
anwar baby-watch.anti-woof
stichnot babylon 5
dlc babylon-5
asp babylon5.sucks
milnes bachelor_party
jgmorris bachelors
zhukov backup
landay bad-joke
jch bad-joke.d
jmount bad.news.for.4600.hall
dennis bagels
bnoble bagels.d
landay bagels.sports
pwp bagles
pwp bagles.d
phoebe bags
landay baird
karl bait
psu bait-bait-bait.catchup
gusciora bait.d
bnoble bait.d.you-can-understand-this
gusciora bait_bait_bait_bait_bait
gusciora balls
jab baluja
spot banishings
landay banking
dennis banks
landay barak
sasha barbarities
rudis barbarities.d
asp barbie
snl barf
hgobioff barnes.and.noble
lindaq barnes.n.noble
dennis barney
landay bars
phoebe bars.d
dcs bars.d.d
pww baseball
stichnot bash
ralph bastille.day
alma bboard.censorship
karl bboard.talk
landay bbq
toddw bdtaylor
hgobioff be
jab beagle.bros
jeanc bears
clamen bears.d
anwar bears.graffiti
baird beavis-n-butthead
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