Zephyr Instances
This list contains all 9860 zephyr instances seen. See also the top 50 zephyr instances. If you're curious who's responsible for the instance explosion, see this. Scott Draves keeps a list of generally accepted zephyr instances.[Back] [Forward]
creator instance
------- --------
bnoble beavis.zen
jch because the original brain-dead zephyr client can't handle spaces
jch because.then.we'd.be.like.George
jl beer
bnoble beer-
dcs beer->passover
pwp beer.I.suck.it.down
jch beer.bait
bnoble beer.blasphemy
josullvn beer.d
bnoble beer.pwp.is.a.righteous.dude
terra beer.sucks
mthomas bell-atlantic
kosak bell.atlantic
karl benefits
dennis bernie's
mthomas bernie's.d
pwp bevis.zen
jch bf
psu bf.d
hgobioff bf.tg
dcs bibtex
cline bicycle
nix bicycles
rochberg bicycling
psu bicycling.d
landay big
jch big brother wants bennet
jab big brother wants bennet.d
terra big-brother
dcs big.vacuum
psu big.vacuum.d
baird bigger.is.better
davide bike
hgobioff bikeing
mthomas bikeing.d
asp bikes
psu bikes.d
jkr bikes.spelling.police
stichnot biking
ghn bill.gates
sprite bill.gates.d
jrrl birth-date
rempel birth-date.d
andrej birthday
jrs bitch and moan
jrs bitch&moan
rudis bitch&moan.I'm-a-loser
jch bitch&moan.d
bnoble bitch-and-moan
jch bitch-and-whine
landay bitch...
hgobioff bitch.and.moan
phoebe bitching
ghn bites.research.d
bnoble bitter.dude
bnoble black-friday
roc black-friday.software-engineering.useless.useless.useless
roc black-friday.theory.out.out.out
landay black.friday
jgmorris black.friday.leters
mprice black.friday.letter
bnoble black.friday.letters
jslttery black.friday.letters.asp
bsy black.friday.letters.d
hgobioff black.friday.tg
landay blah
anwar blah.computer-store
jch blah.d
rochberg blah.tangent
visigoth blah.tao
jl blast.from.past
sippy blast.from.past.d
landay blimp
rudis blind-date
ahlen blizzard
hgobioff blood
ghn blorg
jrs blub blub
dmaltz blub blub.ante
psu blub blub.bait
pwp blub blub.bait.d
roc blub blub.d
pwp blub blub.d.spelling
clamen bmm
rwh bnoble
dcs bnoble.proposal
sippy bobw
terra body.count
anwar bogosity
roc bogus.pa.tax.return
sam bombing
clee book
sippy book.review
jch books
jch books.d
karl bookstore
stichnot borders
karl boredom
karl boredom.bait
rp2y boredom.d
moore boredome
danner borrow_a_key
clamen bosnia
jl bosnia.d
dn1l@ANDREW bot.americas.cup.d
rochberg bot.americas.cup.strange.things
roc bot.americas.cup.strange.things.d
ajw bots.amercas.cup.d
ajw bots.americas.cup
roc bots.americas.cup.I.couldn't.have.said.it.better.myself
bmonroe bots.americas.cup.d
psu bots.americas.cup.d.d
roc bots.americas.cup.newsbites
roc bots.americas.cup.san.diego
jch bots.americas.cup.trolling for Marco
ajw bots.paul.placeway
dennis bovik
dennis bowtie
dennis boxes
johnmil boxes.boxes.boxes
snl boycott.dec
jslttery boyfriend.proxies
terra bozo
hgobioff bozo.lawyers
jch bozo.lawyers.d
landay breakfast
bsy breakfast.at.eat.and.barf
bsy breakfast.at.eat.n.barf
landay brew
bnoble brew.d
bnoble brewing
ghn brewing-folk
clamen british.drivers.d
dcs brittish.drivers.d
dennis brrrr
landay bsu.sucks
spok bsy
jch bsy used to insist on . rather than -, too. Something about making zephyr like netnews
dennis bsy-tools
andrej buckhouse
dennis bucs
bnoble budmilloors.zen
pwp budwater.zen
gusciora budweiser.zen
dennis bug
mprice bugs.pentium
mwm bull
jl business.d
tilt buying-stuff.printers
mthomas buying-stuff.printers.d
jrs bwolen
landay bye-bye
rempel byebye
terra byebye.final
dennis c
bwolen c++
stichnot c++-sucks
ajw c++.arghghgh
jch c++.bait
psu c++.bait.til.d
kosak c++.bitch
psu c++.d
psu c++.d.psu.zgram
dcs c++.sucks
jrrl c-forum
rdeline c-hacking
abl c-help
josullvn c-p-o-w
landay c-programming
andrzej c.d
mjw c.s.d
dennis cable
clamen cable-companies-suck
clee cable.d
ghn cache.death
bsy cafe
jslttery cafe.bitch&moan
alma cafe.libraries
landay caffeine
bsy caffeine.withdrawal
jch caffiiiieeeeeeeeeeeene
josullvn caffine
roc cake
phoebe calendar
landay california
alma call
rempel camping
bdz campus happenings
bnoble campus happinings
lindaq can.you.say.geeks
jch candy
milnes cappucino
pstone car
karl car-shopping
bmonroe car.body.work
psu car.body.work.bike
bmonroe car.body.work.turned.into.bikes
rempel car.body.work.turned.into.bikes.d
petel car.body.work.turned.into.bikes.into.bike.design
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