This list contains all 19614 zephyr instances seen. See also the top 50 zephyr instances. Scott Draves keeps a list of generally accepted zephyr instances.
creator instance ------- -------- kosak C++.templates<suck> kosak!-it-really-DOES-suck! kosak C++<broken,sucks,lame>.quiz-of-the-day kosak C++<sucks> ralph C++<sucks>.d kosak C++<sucks>.quiz-of-the-day sprite C++<sucks>.quiz-of-the-day.bucket jch C++<sucks>.quiz-of-the-day.but seriously folks pdinda C++<sucks>.quiz-of-the-day.d sprite C++<sucks>.quiz-of-the-day.d.rhetorical clee C-- landay C-language richm C-linking-help mnr C-style clee C.bit-fields kosak C.sddd.willy-waving kosak C.sddd.willy-waving.quiz-of-the-day kosak CDA.decision sleator CERT.flubs.again spok CERT.flubs.again.d sleator baird robby CHANGED dennis CLRS sleator CMU is off the network? andrej CMU_keys hgobioff CS815 mjw Campaign mjw Campaign.minor jch Captain, the heat sink will nae take it stichnot Carry a shovel? kosak Carry a shovel?.speculation clee roc santa Christmas clee CleeTest gusciora Clinton_snubs_British_Prime_Minister gusciora Clinton_to_check_in_with_control hgobioff Coke kosak CoolTalk sprite CoolTalk.d mthomas Current outside air temperature at the 8th floor in the shade davide davide dcs DH, Wean lockdown dennis DH.moving kosak DH.moving.haiku gusciora DINNER gusciora DONT_LOOK_HERE dcs DOOD! jch DOOD!.d gusciora Dan_Quayle_was_right_Die_Murphy_Brown tfm Dave.Barry.Calendar tfm Dave.Barry.Calendar.strange.things jrs Death of an Entertainment Center dcs DecBashing gusciora Did_you_hear_me gusciora Die_endangered_obsolete_flying_spaz_birds jrs Dinner anwar Dinner.d anwar Dinner.indian_summer alma Dole clee EV gusciora Earth phoebe End jrs Ending a bright and cheery day clamen English jab English eats German alive terra English.d aprile English.d. clamen English.d.d dcs English.d.judaism eli English.d.judaism.d clamen English.d.judaism.french-fries clamen English.d.judaism.hawaii clamen English.d.judaism.modem pdinda English.d.judaism.nonlogic psu English.d.judaism.self.bait clamen English.d.summary gusciora Eric_Thayer gusciora Erik_Thayer clee FAT jrs FCRC gusciora FREE bsy FYI jrs FZQ gusciora Fish_swimming_in_two_waters_takes_the_baits_and_runs_with_it anwar Food jrs For you weirdos who hate Madonna jrs For you weirdos who love Madonna jslttery Fortran Question psu Fortran Question.d pwp Frag E. T. mre FreeFood clee French jeanc Friday toad Friday.d dennis Fries and a coke with my mpeg gusciora Fuck_Willy clamen GEagle sprite GEagle.d rp2y sprite tfm GOOD TIMES stichnot GRAFFITI landay GRAFFITI.FUCK.MY.SUBJECT.CANCELLED.AGAIN bnoble ehn GeorgeBot.v1 jab GeorgeBot.v1.d jch George_You_Ignorant_Slut anonymoose Geraldo tfm Gnus5 visigoth Gnus5.0 tfm Gnus5.d tfm Good Times hgobioff Graffiti hgobioff Graffiti.d jslttery Graffiti.facilities jrrl GtLiP stichnot GtLiP.d gusciora Gulf_war_revenues_still_rolling_in bsy Gusciora.d gusciora Gusciora_vs_Landay snl HELP rwh HELP.TEX anwar HOTT sippy HS-UX sleator tfm Hallowe'en.PSA tfm Hallowe'en.PSA.d ralph Help.vm gusciora Here_is_a_dead_bug_dear_I_love_you gusciora Hey_Shithead dcs Hmmmm snl Hmmmm.d jrs How to recognize blurbs written by PR droids gusciora How_about_this_one_scumbags tomstr Hyakutake sippy I hate the unwashed masses bnoble I hate the unwashed masses... jrs I need a vacation sleator I was wondering the same thing myself. Can you use spaces? anwar I-get-free-patriot-missiles-from-the-us-coz-im-from-an-oil-rich-country josullvn I-get-free-uzis-from-the-us-coz-im-irish ghn I.feel sleator gusciora bsy I.never.knew gusciora I.think.only.recently.that.choice.of.programming.language.has.a.significant.and.potentially.positive.effect.on.quality.of.code.generated. clamen I.wonder.if.toad', landay IC jch IC.d toad IC.d.d will IC.intros will IC.talks psu IC.talks.bait roc IC.talks.bait.d clamen INS josullvn IRA gusciora I_am_not_a_weenie kosak I_like_ducks_but_so_does_Rex hgobioff Ice.skating gusciora If_recycled_paper_really_did_consume_less_Earth_resources_than_it_would_cost_less jrs Ig Nobel Prize ceremony gusciora Im_a_bonehead rp2y clee InfoWord.NetworkWorld clee Internet_Phone sleator Irix 5.3 question dennis John Lafferty gusciora Judas_Republican gusciora KILL.WHOOPIE.ARAAARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH gusciora Kindred ghn L18 mjw L18-wf.d kosak L18.graffiti jch LA comes to PA rp2y LIS.d norm LaTeX rp2y LaTeX.d clee LaTex.d gusciora Landay_My_Hero qma Latex jmount rp2y Linux dcs Lycos.sddd dennis M&M md5i@ANDREW MATLAB gusciora MAUI.DATE rudis MAUI.DATE.d mprice MAUI.FOOD gusciora MAUI.MOSAIC.HELP gusciora MAUI.MOSAIC.PAGE gusciora MAUI.TO.THE.BEACH gusciora MAUI.WEATHER landay MAUI.WEATHER.d gusciora MAUI.WEATHER.french.losers gusciora MAUI_WEATHER jch MAUI_WEATHER.d jch MCI.sux[Back] [Forward]