Fall 2015 (2010-present)
and Motor Control of Legged Locomotion
12 Units, Graduate Level
Tues & Thurs 12pm-1:20pm, Room NSH 1305
The course provides an introduction into the mechanics and
control of legged locomotion with a focus on the human system. The
main topics covered include fundamental concepts, muscle-skeleton
mechanics, and neural control. Examples of bio-inspiration in
robots and rehabilitation devices are highlighted. By the
end of the course, you will have the basic knowledge to build your
own dynamic models of animal and human motions. The course
develops the material in parallel with an introduction into the
Matlab's Simulink and SimMechanics environments for modeling
nonlinear dynamic systems. Assignments and team projects
will let you apply your knowledge to problems of animal and human
motion in theory and computer simulations.
Short Syllabus:
Aug-Oct Dynamics & Control Fundamentals
Basic Observations about Animal Locomotion
Standing and Balance (CoP, Support Polygon)
Walking (LIPM, Capture Points)
Running (SLIP, Raibert and Deadbeat Control)
Oct-Dec Neuromuscular Implementation
Muscle Motors (Dynamic Properties, Hill Models)
Motor Control (CPGs, Reflexes, Complex
Locomotion Models)
Comparison to Legged Robot Control
Tue New Content
Thu Implementation in Simulink/SimMechanics
Uselful Background: Modeling in Matlab Simulink
Fall 2015 (2011-present)
Manipulation, Mobility and Control
12 Units, Graduate Level
Mon & Wed 12pm-1:20pm, Room NSH 1305
The course is part of the RI MRSD program. It provides an overview of the current techniques that allow robots to locomote and interact with the world. The kinematics and dynamics of electromechanical systems will be covered with a particular focus on their application to robotic arms. Some basic principles of robot control will be discussed, ranging from independent- joint PID tracking to coupled computed torque approaches. The practice and theory of robotic mobility will be investigated through various mobile robot platforms, including wheeled and tracked vehicle and legged robots. Hands-on experience with some of the topics in the class will be provided through practical demonstrations and lab assignments.
Spring 2016 (2011-present)
Dynamic Systems and Control
12 Units, Graduate Level
Tues & Thurs 1:30pm-2:50pm, Room NSH 1305
Kinematics, Dynamic Systems, and Control is a graduate level
introduction to robotics. The course covers fundamental concepts
and methods to analyze, model and control robotic mechanisms which
move in the physical world and manipulate it.
Short Syllabus:
Jan-Feb Kinematics
Rigid Body Fundamentals (Screw Theory)
Multi-Body Robots (Forward/Inverse Kinematics,
Feb-Mar Dynamics
Fundamentals (Principle of Virtual Work/Power,
Lagrange, Inertia Tensor)
Multi-Body Robots (EOMs, Forward/Inverse
Mar-Apr Control
Fundamentals (LTI, PID, Observers)
Multi-Body Robots (Motion & Force Control)