* Publications

Chapters in Books
H Geyer, U Saranli. Gait based on the spring mass model. Ch 43 in "Humanoid Robotics: A Reference". Eds. A Goswami and P Vadakkepat. Springer, 2017.
H Geyer, A Seyfarth. Neuromuscular model control for humanoid walking. Ch 45 in "Humanoid Robotics: A Reference." Eds. A Goswami and P Vadakkepat. Springer, 2017.
A Prochazka, H Geyer, S Gosgnach, C Capaday. Neuromuscular control in locomotion. Ch 6 in "Bioinspired Legged Locomotion: Models, Concepts, Control and Applications". Eds. M Sharbafi and A Seyfarth. Elsevier, 2017.
A Seyfarth, H Geyer, R Blickhan, S Lipfert, J Rummel, Y Minekawa, F Iida. Running and walking with compliant legs. In Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics: Optimization and Feedback. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science (eds. M Diehl, K Mombauer), 383-402, Springer, Heidelberg, 2006.
Refereed Journal Papers
S Song, H Geyer. Predictive neuromechanical simulations indicate why walking performance declines with aging. J Physiology, Accepted.
W S Ang, H Geyer, I Cheng. Objective assessment of spasticity with a method based on a human upper limb model. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Accepted.
S Song, H Geyer. Evaluation of a neuromechanical walking control model using disturbance experiments. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 11:15. Doi: 10.3389/fncom.2017.00015 [PDF] [Video]
W Martin, A Wu, H Geyer. Experimental evaluation of deadbeat running on the ATRIAS biped. Robotics and Automation Letters 2(2): 1085-1092, 2017. [PDF] [Video]
N Thatte, H Duan, H Geyer. A sample-efficient black-box optimizer to train policies for human-in-the-
loop systems with user preferences. Robotics and Automation Letters 2(2): 993-1000, 2017. [PDF]
C Hubicki, A Abate, P Clary, S Rezazadeh, M Jones, A Peekema, J Van Why, R Domres, A Wu, W Martin, H Geyer, J Hurst. Walking and running with passive compliance. IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine 2(4.1): 4-1, 2016. [PDF]
N Thatte, H Geyer. Toward balance recovery with leg prostheses using neuromuscular model control. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63(5): 904-913, 2016. [PDF] [Download Model]
S Song, H Geyer. A neural circuitry that emphasizes spinal
feedbacks generates diverse behaviors of human locomotion. Journal
of Physiology 593(16): 3493-3511, 2015. [PDF] [Video] [Download Model]
A Wu, H Geyer. The 3D Spring-Mass Model Reveals a Time-based
Deadbeat Control for Highly Robust Running and Steering in
Uncertain Environments. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 29(5):
1114-1124, 2013. [PDF]
M Ernst, H Geyer, R Blickhan. Extension and customization of
self-stability control in compliant legged systems. Bioinspiration
and Biomimetics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1748-3182/7/4/046002,
2012. [PDF]
H Geyer, HM Herr. A muscle-reflex model that encodes
principles of legged mechanics produces human walking dynamics and
muscle activities. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 18(3):
263-273, 2010. [PDF]
MF Eilenberg, H Geyer, HM Herr. Control of a powered
ankle-foot prosthesis based on a neuromuscular model. IEEE
Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng 18(2): 164-173, 2010. [PDF]
R Blickhan, A Seyfarth, H Geyer, S Grimmer, H Wagner.
Intelligence by mechanics. Phil Trans R Soc A 365:
199–220, 2007.
H Geyer, A Seyfarth, R Blickhan. Compliant leg behaviour
explains basic dynamics of walking and running. Proc R Soc B
273: 2861–2867, 2006. [PDF]
H Knuesel, H Geyer, A Seyfarth. Influence of swing leg
movement on running stability. Hum Mov Sci 24:
532–543, 2005.
H Geyer, A Seyfarth, R Blickhan. Spring-mass running: simple
approximate solution and application to gait stability. J
Theor Biol 232: 315–328, 2005. [PDF]
H Geyer, A Seyfarth, R Blickhan. Positive force feedback in
bouncing gaits? Proc R Soc B 270: 2173–2183, 2003. [PDF]
A Seyfarth, H Geyer, HM Herr. Swing-leg retraction: a simple
control model for stable running. J Exp Biol 205:
2547–2555, 2003. [PDF]
A Seyfarth, H Geyer, M Guenther, R Blickhan. A movement
criterion for running. J of Biomech 35: 649–655, 2002. [PDF]
Refereed Conference Papers
Q Nguyen, A Agrawal, X Da, WC Martin, H Geyer, JW Grizzle, K Sreenath. Dynamic walking on randomly-varying discrete terrain with one-step preview. Robotics: Science and Systems, Cambridge, MA, 2017.
H Geyer, N Thatte, H Duan. Toward Balance Recovery with Active Leg Prostheses Using Neuromuscular Model Control. In Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016), Segovia, Spain, 649-652, 2016.
S Song, H Geyer. Regulating speed in a neuromuscular human running model. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots, Seoul, Korea, pp. 217-222, 2015. [PDF] [Video]
Z. Batts, S. Song, H. Geyer. Toward a virtual neuromuscular control for robust walking in bipedal robots. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 6318-6323, 2015. [PDF] [Video]
J. Austin, A. Schepelmann, H. Geyer. Control and evaluation of series elastic actuators with nonlinear rubber springs. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Hamburg, Germany, pp. 6563-6568, 2015. [PDF]
A. Schepelmann, J. Austin, H. Geyer. Evaluation of decentralized reactive swing-leg control on a powered robotic leg. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 381-386, 2015. [PDF]
W Martin, A Wu, H Geyer. Robust Spring Mass
Model Running for a Physical Bipedal Robot. IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Seattle, WA, pp. 6307-6312, 2015. [PDF] [Video]
H Vejdani, A Wu, H Geyer, J Hurst. Touch-down angle control for
spring-mass walking. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, Seattle, WA, pp. 5101-5106, 2015. [PDF]
R Desai, H Geyer, J Hodgins. Virtual Model Control for Dynamic
Lateral Balance. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid
Robots, Madrid, Spain, pp. 856-861, 2014. [PDF]
N Thatte, H Geyer. Towards local reflexive control of a powered
transfemoral prosthesis for robust amputee push and trip recovery.
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, Chicago, IL, pp. 2069 - 2074, 2014. [PDF] [Video]
A Wu, H Geyer. Highly robust running of articulated bipeds in
unobserved terrain. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on
Intelligent Robots and Systems, Chicago, IL, pp. 2558 - 2565,
2014. [PDF]
A Schepelmann, K Geberth, H Geyer. Compact nonlinear springs with
user defined torque-deflection profiles for series elastic
actuators. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, Hong Kong, China, pp. 3411 - 3416, 2014. [PDF]
S Song, H Geyer. Generalization of a Muscle-Reflex Control Model
to 3D Walking. IEEE Annual International Conference of the
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, Japan, pp.
7463-7466, 2013. [PDF]
S Song, R Desai, H Geyer. Integration of an adaptive swing control
into a neuromuscular human walking model. IEEE Annual
International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society, Osaka, Japan, pp. 4915-4918, 2013. [PDF]
S Song, C LaMontagna, SH Collins, H Geyer. The effect of foot
compliance encoded in the windlass mechanism on the energetics of
human walking. IEEE Annual International Conference of the
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka, Japan, pp.
3179-3182, 2013. [PDF]
R Desai, H Geyer. Muscle-Reflex Control of Robust Swing Leg
Placement. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 2169-2174, 2013. [PDF]
R Desai, H Geyer. Robust swing leg placement under large
disturbances. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics, Guangzhou, China, pp. 265-270, 2012. [PDF]
A Schepelmann, MD Taylor, H Geyer. Development of a testbed
for robotic neuromuscular controllers. Proc of Robotics: Science
and Systems VIII, Sydney, Australia, pp. 385-392, 2012. [PDF]
DB Haeufle, MD Taylor, S Schmitt, H Geyer. A clutched
parallel elastic actuator concept: towards energy efficient
powered legs in prosthetics and robotics. Proc IEEE
International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and
Biomechatronics, Roma, Italy, 2012.
S Song, H Geyer. Regulating speed and generating large speed
transitions in a neuromuscular human walking model. IEEE
International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.
511-516, 2012. [PDF]
S Song, H Geyer. The energetic cost of adaptive feet in
walking. Proc IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Biomimetics, Phuket, Thailand, pp. 1597-1602, 2011. [PDF]
F Parietti, H Geyer. Reactive balance control in walking based on
a bipedal linear inverted pendulum model. Proc IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, Shanghai, China, pp.
5442-5447, 2011. [PDF]
M Ernst, H Geyer, R Blickhan. Spring-legged locomotion on uneven
ground: a control approach to keep the running speed
constant. Proc 12th Int Conf on Climbing and Walking Robots
(CLAWAR), eds O Tosun, HL Akin, MO Tokhi, GS Virk), ISBN
981-4291-26-9, pp. 639-644, 2009. [PDF]
A Seyfarth, KT Kalveram, H Geyer. Simulating muscle-reflex
dynamics in a simple hopping robot. Autonome Mobile Systeme
2007, eds. K Berns and T Luksch, Springer: 294-300, 2007.
A Seyfarth, H Geyer, R Blickhan, S Lipfert, J Rummel, Y Minekawa,
F Iida. Running and walking with compliant legs. In
Fast Motions in Biomechanics and Robotics: Optimization and
Feedback. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Science,
eds M Diehl, K Mombauer, 383–402, Springer, Heidelberg,
E Dittrich, H Geyer, A Karguth, A Seyfarth. Obstacle
avoidance in a simple hopping robot. Proc 9th Int Conf on
Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), Brussels, Belgium,
2006. [PDF]
H Geyer, A Seyfarth, R Blickhan. Should humanoids really
walk on rigid legs? Proc 3rd Int Symposium on Adaptive
Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM), Ilmenau, Germany, ISBN:
3938843039, p11, 2005.
H Geyer, A Seyfarth, R Blickhan. Natural dynamics of
spring-like running: emergence of self-stability. In 5th Int
Conf on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), eds. P Bidaud and FB
Amar, Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., London. pp.
87–91, 2002. [PDF]
A Seyfarth, H Geyer. Natural control of spring-like running:
optimized self-stabilization. In 5th Int Conf on Climbing
and Walking Robots (CLAWAR), eds. P Bidaud and FB Amar,
Professional Engineering Publishing Ltd., London. pp. 81–85,
2002. [PDF]
R Desai, H Geyer, Robust swing leg controller
under large disturbances. US Patent pending (application number
14/470,277), 2014.
HM Herr, H Geyer, MF Eilenberg. Model-Based Neuromechanical
Controller for a Robotic Leg. US Patent No. 8864846,
HM Herr, A Seyfarth, H Geyer. Speed-adaptive control scheme
for legged running robots. US Patent No. 7295892, 2003.