CS 213 Spring '00
Lab 3
Lab Assignment L3
Revisions and Updates:
- NOTE: the due date for the assignment is now Monday, March 20th at 11:59pm.
(3/12) Breakdown of points for performance are as follows:
Performance index Score
0 - 49
50 - 69
70 - 79
80 - 89
90 - 100
(3/12) You should pick up a new copy of splay_tree.c and driver.c from
Here is a summary of the changes:
splay_tree.c: contains()
- previously returned the closest node with address less than the one
given, leaving it up to you to check that the address actually falls within
the data portion of that node.
- now returns the node which contains the address (if one exists) or
NULL if the address is not within any allocated block. This was the intended
behaviour, and the one implied by the name of the function. The commented
description of contains() has also been updated to reflect this change.
driver.c: pgm_tests() and main()
- many of the actual program tests are designed to completely fill
the heap area, making the memory utilization parameter for these tests
less useful. The code has been modified to not include these tests in computing
your average overall utilization for the performance metric. If you have
made changes to driver.c to facilitate your own testing, you can continue
using it. The new version will be used by the web script and for grading,
(3/2) There are two (previously) undocumented options to the driver program
for malloc:
-s: run the synthetic traces only (default is to run all tests)
-p: run the program tests only
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