Anupam Gupta
John Lafferty
Teaching Assistants
Andreas Krause
Todd Phillips
Albert Sheu
The course FCEs are online: please give us your feedback on the course!
Here's a practice FINAL exam
(final and solutions), slightly modified from past years.
A review session has been scheduled for Saturday, December 16,
6:00-8:00 p.m. in Wean 4615A. Pizza will be served(!)
You can check your
grades online.
Students are strongly encouraged to use the class BBoard, academic.cs.15-251. Here are two ways to view it:
- Webmail.
and then click on
FOLDERS. Under "UNSUBSCRIBE/SUBSCRIBE" type in "academic.cs.15-251".
- Pine. Login. Go to Folder List. Go down to Bboards, and hit enter.
Hit "a" for addsub. Type in "academic.cs.15-251" without quotes.
Quick Tips
Class schedule, download lectures and homeworks: visit Calendar.
Office hours: visit Staff.
Instructions on submitting homework and help with Latex: visit Help.