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IInteger Class Reference

provides an infinite size integer class as well as undetermined and signless and signed infinity values. More...

#include <common/i_integer.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

 IInteger (void)
 create an IInteger with indeterminate value.

 IInteger (signed char initial_value)
 IInteger (unsigned char initial_value)
 IInteger (short initial_value)
 IInteger (unsigned short initial_value)
 IInteger (int initial_value)
 IInteger (unsigned int initial_value)
 IInteger (long initial_value)
 IInteger (unsigned long initial_value)
 Create an IInteger from various types.

 IInteger (const IInteger &initial_value)
 Copy constructor.

 IInteger (const char *initial_string, int base = 10)
 Convert an ascii string to a value. More...

 ~IInteger ()
bool is_undetermined (void) const
 Is the iinteger indeterminate?

bool is_signless_infinity (void) const
 Is the iinteger unsigned infinity? NOTE: There are three infinities, Inf (signless) +Inf and -Inf (signed).

bool is_finite (void) const
 Is the iinteger finite?

bool is_negative (void) const
 Is the iinteger negative?

bool is_c_string_int (void) const
 Is the integer a string int.

bool is_c_char (void) const
 Will the value fit in a char.

bool is_c_unsigned_char (void) const
 Will the value fit in an unsigned char.

bool is_c_signed_char (void) const
 Will the value fit in a signed char.

bool is_c_short (void) const
 Will the value fit in a short.

bool is_c_unsigned_short (void) const
 Will the value fit in an unsigned short.

bool is_c_int (void) const
 Will the value fit in an int.

bool is_c_unsigned_int (void) const
 Will the value fit in an unsigned int.

bool is_c_long (void) const
 Will the value fit in a long.

bool is_c_unsigned_long (void) const
 Will the value fit in an unsigned long.

bool is_c_size_t (void) const
 Will the value fit in a size_t.

char* c_string_int (void) const
 Retrieve value as a string - requires is_c_string. More...

char c_char (void) const
 Retrieve the value as a char - requires is_c_char.

unsigned char c_unsigned_char (void) const
 Retrieve the value as an unsigned char - requires is_unsigned_c_char.

signed char c_signed_char (void) const
 Retrieve the value as a signed char - requires is_signed_c_char.

short c_short (void) const
 Retrieve the value as a short - requires is_c_short.

unsigned short c_unsigned_short (void) const
 Retrieve the value as an unsigned short - requires is_unsigned_c_short.

int c_int (void) const
 Retrieve the value as an int - requires is_c_int.

unsigned int c_unsigned_int (void) const
 Retrieve the value as an unsigned int - requires is_c_unsigned_int.

long c_long (void) const
 Retrieve the value as a long - requires is_c_long.

unsigned long c_unsigned_long (void) const
 Retrieve the value as an unsigned long - requires is_c_unsigned_long.

size_t c_size_t (void) const
 Retrieve the value as a size_t - requires is_c_size_t.

double c_double (void) const
 Retrieve the value as a double. More...

void set_c_char (char new_value)
void set_c_unsigned_char (unsigned char new_value)
void set_c_signed_char (signed char new_value)
void set_c_short (short new_value)
void set_c_unsigned_short (unsigned short new_value)
void set_c_int (int new_value)
void set_c_unsigned_int (unsigned int new_value)
void set_c_long (long new_value)
void set_c_unsigned_long (unsigned long new_value)
void set_c_size_t (size_t new_value)
void set_integer (const IInteger &new_value)
void clear (void)
 Set the value to undetermined.

void write (ostream *out, int base = 10) const
 Write the value to an ostring.

void write (String &str, int base) const
String to_String (int base = 10) const
void read (const char *location, int base = 10)
void read (istream *in, int base = 10)
IInteger written_length (int base = 10) const
 The old way to write directly to a previously allocated char *. More...

void write (char *location, int base = 10) const
char* to_string (int base = 10) const
 Output to a char string. More...

void print (ostream *in, int base = 10) const
 Appears to duplicate write, but this is not clear - avoid.

bool is_divisible_by (const IInteger &other) const
IInteger add (const IInteger &other) const
IInteger subtract (const IInteger &other) const
IInteger multiply (const IInteger &other) const
IInteger div (const IInteger &other) const
IInteger mod (const IInteger &other) const
IInteger negate (void) const
IInteger& operator= (const IInteger &other)
bool operator== (const IInteger &other) const
bool operator!= (const IInteger &other) const
bool operator< (const IInteger &other) const
bool operator> (const IInteger &other) const
bool operator<= (const IInteger &other) const
bool operator>= (const IInteger &other) const
bool operator== (int other) const
bool operator!= (int other) const
bool operator< (int other) const
bool operator> (int other) const
bool operator<= (int other) const
bool operator>= (int other) const
bool operator== (unsigned int other) const
bool operator!= (unsigned int other) const
bool operator< (unsigned int other) const
bool operator> (unsigned int other) const
bool operator<= (unsigned int other) const
bool operator>= (unsigned int other) const
bool operator== (long other) const
bool operator!= (long other) const
bool operator< (long other) const
bool operator> (long other) const
bool operator<= (long other) const
bool operator>= (long other) const
bool operator== (unsigned long other) const
bool operator!= (unsigned long other) const
bool operator< (unsigned long other) const
bool operator> (unsigned long other) const
bool operator<= (unsigned long other) const
bool operator>= (unsigned long other) const
IInteger operator+ (const IInteger &other) const

IInteger operator- (const IInteger &other) const

IInteger operator * (const IInteger &other) const

IInteger operator/ (const IInteger &other) const

IInteger operator% (const IInteger &other) const

IInteger operator^ (const IInteger &other) const
 Bitwise exclusive or.

IInteger operator & (const IInteger &other) const
 Bitwise and.

IInteger operator| (const IInteger &other) const
 Bitwise or.

IInteger operator~ (void) const
 Bitwise negate.

IInteger operator<< (const IInteger &other) const
 left shift.

IInteger operator>> (const IInteger &other) const
 right shift.

bool operator! (void) const
 logical not.

bool operator && (const IInteger &other) const
 logical and.

bool operator|| (const IInteger &other) const
 logical or.

IInteger operator+ (void) const
IInteger operator- (void) const
IInteger& operator+= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator-= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator *= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator/= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator%= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator^= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator &= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator|= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator>>= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator<<= (const IInteger &other)
IInteger& operator++ (void)
IInteger& operator-- (void)
IInteger operator++ (int)
IInteger operator-- (int)

Static Public Methods

IInteger ii_gcd (const IInteger &op1, const IInteger &op2)
 The following two static functions return the GCD (Greatest Common Denominator) of op1 and op2. More...

IInteger ii_gcd (const IInteger &op1, const IInteger &op2, IInteger *coeff1, IInteger *coeff2)
IInteger ii_finite_size (const IInteger &ii, const IInteger &bit_size, bool is_signed)
 restrict the iinteger to a finite bit size use 2's complement to resolve overflows infinities and undetermined will return themselves.

IInteger i_positive_inf (void)
 Return a positive infinity.

IInteger i_negative_inf (void)
 Return a negative infinity.

IInteger i_signless_inf (void)
 Return a signless infinity (not the same as positive infinity).

Detailed Description

provides an infinite size integer class as well as undetermined and signless and signed infinity values.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IInteger::IInteger ( void)

create an IInteger with indeterminate value.

IInteger::IInteger ( signed char initial_value)

IInteger::IInteger ( unsigned char initial_value)

IInteger::IInteger ( short initial_value)

IInteger::IInteger ( unsigned short initial_value)

IInteger::IInteger ( int initial_value)

IInteger::IInteger ( unsigned int initial_value)

IInteger::IInteger ( long initial_value)

IInteger::IInteger ( unsigned long initial_value)

Create an IInteger from various types.

IInteger::IInteger ( const IInteger & initial_value)

Copy constructor.

IInteger::IInteger ( const char * initial_string,
int base = 10)

Convert an ascii string to a value.

initial_string   string to convert
base   base to use. Must be in range 1 to 36
No prefix (such as 0x for hex) should be present.
As well as numeric values, the values ?? (indeterminate
+Inf -Inf and Inf are recognized

IInteger::~IInteger ()

Member Function Documentation

IInteger IInteger::add ( const IInteger & other) const

char IInteger::c_char ( void) const

Retrieve the value as a char - requires is_c_char.

double IInteger::c_double ( void) const

Retrieve the value as a double.

Any non-indeterminate non-infinite value can be returned as a double (unless it is enormously large) but precision will be lost if it larger than about 10^16

int IInteger::c_int ( void) const

Retrieve the value as an int - requires is_c_int.

long IInteger::c_long ( void) const

Retrieve the value as a long - requires is_c_long.

short IInteger::c_short ( void) const

Retrieve the value as a short - requires is_c_short.

signed char IInteger::c_signed_char ( void) const

Retrieve the value as a signed char - requires is_signed_c_char.

size_t IInteger::c_size_t ( void) const

Retrieve the value as a size_t - requires is_c_size_t.

char * IInteger::c_string_int ( void) const

Retrieve value as a string - requires is_c_string.

See also:

unsigned char IInteger::c_unsigned_char ( void) const

Retrieve the value as an unsigned char - requires is_unsigned_c_char.

unsigned int IInteger::c_unsigned_int ( void) const

Retrieve the value as an unsigned int - requires is_c_unsigned_int.

unsigned long IInteger::c_unsigned_long ( void) const

Retrieve the value as an unsigned long - requires is_c_unsigned_long.

unsigned short IInteger::c_unsigned_short ( void) const

Retrieve the value as an unsigned short - requires is_unsigned_c_short.

void IInteger::clear ( void)

Set the value to undetermined.

IInteger IInteger::div ( const IInteger & other) const

IInteger IInteger::i_negative_inf ( void) [static]

Return a negative infinity.

IInteger IInteger::i_positive_inf ( void) [static]

Return a positive infinity.

IInteger IInteger::i_signless_inf ( void) [static]

Return a signless infinity (not the same as positive infinity).

IInteger IInteger::ii_finite_size ( const IInteger & ii,
const IInteger & bit_size,
bool is_signed) [static]

restrict the iinteger to a finite bit size use 2's complement to resolve overflows infinities and undetermined will return themselves.

IInteger IInteger::ii_gcd ( const IInteger & op1,
const IInteger & op2,
IInteger * coeff1,
IInteger * coeff2) [static]

IInteger IInteger::ii_gcd ( const IInteger & op1,
const IInteger & op2) [static]

The following two static functions return the GCD (Greatest Common Denominator) of op1 and op2.

In addition, the second form sets *coeff1 and *coeff2 to values such that

(op1 * (*coeff1)) + (op2 * (*coeff2)) = GCD.

These coefficients can be extracted by the same algorithm that finds the GCD.

bool IInteger::is_c_char ( void) const

Will the value fit in a char.

bool IInteger::is_c_int ( void) const

Will the value fit in an int.

bool IInteger::is_c_long ( void) const

Will the value fit in a long.

bool IInteger::is_c_short ( void) const

Will the value fit in a short.

bool IInteger::is_c_signed_char ( void) const

Will the value fit in a signed char.

bool IInteger::is_c_size_t ( void) const

Will the value fit in a size_t.

bool IInteger::is_c_string_int ( void) const

Is the integer a string int.

bool IInteger::is_c_unsigned_char ( void) const

Will the value fit in an unsigned char.

bool IInteger::is_c_unsigned_int ( void) const

Will the value fit in an unsigned int.

bool IInteger::is_c_unsigned_long ( void) const

Will the value fit in an unsigned long.

bool IInteger::is_c_unsigned_short ( void) const

Will the value fit in an unsigned short.

bool IInteger::is_divisible_by ( const IInteger & other) const

bool IInteger::is_finite ( void) const

Is the iinteger finite?

bool IInteger::is_negative ( void) const

Is the iinteger negative?

bool IInteger::is_signless_infinity ( void) const

Is the iinteger unsigned infinity? NOTE: There are three infinities, Inf (signless) +Inf and -Inf (signed).

bool IInteger::is_undetermined ( void) const

Is the iinteger indeterminate?

IInteger IInteger::mod ( const IInteger & other) const

IInteger IInteger::multiply ( const IInteger & other) const

IInteger IInteger::negate ( void) const

IInteger IInteger::operator & ( const IInteger & other) const

Bitwise and.

bool IInteger::operator && ( const IInteger & other) const

logical and.

IInteger & IInteger::operator &= ( const IInteger & other)

IInteger IInteger::operator * ( const IInteger & other) const


IInteger & IInteger::operator *= ( const IInteger & other)

bool IInteger::operator! ( void) const

logical not.

bool IInteger::operator!= ( unsigned long other) const

bool IInteger::operator!= ( long other) const

bool IInteger::operator!= ( unsigned int other) const

bool IInteger::operator!= ( int other) const

bool IInteger::operator!= ( const IInteger & other) const

IInteger IInteger::operator% ( const IInteger & other) const


IInteger & IInteger::operator%= ( const IInteger & other)

IInteger IInteger::operator+ ( void) const

IInteger IInteger::operator+ ( const IInteger & other) const


IInteger IInteger::operator++ ( int)

IInteger & IInteger::operator++ ( void)

IInteger & IInteger::operator+= ( const IInteger & other)

IInteger IInteger::operator- ( void) const

IInteger IInteger::operator- ( const IInteger & other) const


IInteger IInteger::operator-- ( int)

IInteger & IInteger::operator-- ( void)

IInteger & IInteger::operator-= ( const IInteger & other)

IInteger IInteger::operator/ ( const IInteger & other) const


IInteger & IInteger::operator/= ( const IInteger & other)

bool IInteger::operator< ( unsigned long other) const

bool IInteger::operator< ( long other) const

bool IInteger::operator< ( unsigned int other) const

bool IInteger::operator< ( int other) const

bool IInteger::operator< ( const IInteger & other) const

IInteger IInteger::operator<< ( const IInteger & other) const

left shift.

IInteger & IInteger::operator<<= ( const IInteger & other)

bool IInteger::operator<= ( unsigned long other) const

bool IInteger::operator<= ( long other) const

bool IInteger::operator<= ( unsigned int other) const

bool IInteger::operator<= ( int other) const

bool IInteger::operator<= ( const IInteger & other) const

IInteger & IInteger::operator= ( const IInteger & other)

bool IInteger::operator== ( unsigned long other) const

bool IInteger::operator== ( long other) const

bool IInteger::operator== ( unsigned int other) const

bool IInteger::operator== ( int other) const

bool IInteger::operator== ( const IInteger & other) const

bool IInteger::operator> ( unsigned long other) const

bool IInteger::operator> ( long other) const

bool IInteger::operator> ( unsigned int other) const

bool IInteger::operator> ( int other) const

bool IInteger::operator> ( const IInteger & other) const

bool IInteger::operator>= ( unsigned long other) const

bool IInteger::operator>= ( long other) const

bool IInteger::operator>= ( unsigned int other) const

bool IInteger::operator>= ( int other) const

bool IInteger::operator>= ( const IInteger & other) const

IInteger IInteger::operator>> ( const IInteger & other) const

right shift.

IInteger & IInteger::operator>>= ( const IInteger & other)

IInteger IInteger::operator^ ( const IInteger & other) const

Bitwise exclusive or.

IInteger & IInteger::operator^= ( const IInteger & other)

IInteger IInteger::operator| ( const IInteger & other) const

Bitwise or.

IInteger & IInteger::operator|= ( const IInteger & other)

bool IInteger::operator|| ( const IInteger & other) const

logical or.

IInteger IInteger::operator~ ( void) const

Bitwise negate.

void IInteger::print ( ostream * in,
int base = 10) const

Appears to duplicate write, but this is not clear - avoid.

void IInteger::read ( istream * in,
int base = 10)

void IInteger::read ( const char * location,
int base = 10)

void IInteger::set_c_char ( char new_value)

void IInteger::set_c_int ( int new_value)

void IInteger::set_c_long ( long new_value)

void IInteger::set_c_short ( short new_value)

void IInteger::set_c_signed_char ( signed char new_value)

void IInteger::set_c_size_t ( size_t new_value)

void IInteger::set_c_unsigned_char ( unsigned char new_value)

void IInteger::set_c_unsigned_int ( unsigned int new_value)

void IInteger::set_c_unsigned_long ( unsigned long new_value)

void IInteger::set_c_unsigned_short ( unsigned short new_value)

void IInteger::set_integer ( const IInteger & new_value)

IInteger IInteger::subtract ( const IInteger & other) const

String IInteger::to_String ( int base = 10) const

char * IInteger::to_string ( int base = 10) const

Output to a char string.

This is allocated from the heap - the caller is responsible for its deletion.

use to_String for new code

void IInteger::write ( char * location,
int base = 10) const

void IInteger::write ( String & str,
int base) const

void IInteger::write ( ostream * out,
int base = 10) const

Write the value to an ostring.

IInteger IInteger::written_length ( int base = 10) const

The old way to write directly to a previously allocated char *.

Prefer to_string for new code

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated at Mon Jul 31 13:43:15 2000 for NCI SUIF by doxygen 1.1.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2000