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RCPointer Class Reference
A simple ref_counter class.
#include <ref_counter.h>
List of all members.
Detailed Description
template<class T> class RCPointer
A simple ref_counter class.
Use this to create a pointer type.
The type we are reference counting is not hidden, as it should be
because that makes derivation harder and we want to avoid nested
classes since that is not well supported by some C++ compilers
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
template<class T>
RCPointer<T>::RCPointer<T> () |
template<class T>
RCPointer<T>::RCPointer<T> (
T * x) |
template<class T>
RCPointer<T>::RCPointer<T> (
const RCPointer<T> & a) |
template<class T>
RCPointer<T>::~RCPointer<T> () [inline] |
Member Function Documentation
template<class T>
T * RCPointer<T>::get_ptr () const [inline] |
template<class T>
bool RCPointer<T>::is_null () const [inline] |
template<class T>
void RCPointer<T>::make_null () [inline] |
template<class T>
RCPointer<T>::operator T * () const [inline] |
template<class T>
T * RCPointer<T>::operator-> () const [inline] |
template<class T>
RCPointer<T> & RCPointer<T>::operator= (
const RCPointer<T> & a) [inline] |
template<class T>
bool RCPointer<T>::operator== (
const RCPointer<T> & x) const [inline] |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated at Mon Jul 31 13:44:22 2000 for NCI SUIF by
1.1.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
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