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Sundance::EquationSet Class Reference

#include <EquationSet.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

Private Methods

Private Attributes

Static Private Attributes

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Detailed Description

Equation set is a collection of all variational equations and boundary conditions pertinent to a problem, listed by CellSet. An equationSet also contains a specification of the block structure of the unknown and test function spaces.

The information contained in an equation set is sufficient to build a table of weak forms for the problem. However, the equation set contains no information about the mesh and thus cannot by itself produce discrete function spaces or DOF maps. The discrete function spaces are created in the createRowSpace and createColSpace methods which take the problem mesh as an argument.

Definition at line 41 of file EquationSet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


Sundance::EquationSet::EquationSet const ExprArray   test,
const ExprArray   unk,
const Expr   integral

The ExprArray arguments specify the block structure of the unknown and test spaces.

Sundance::EquationSet::EquationSet const ExprArray   test,
const ExprArray   unk,
const Expr   integral,
const EssentialBC   bc

The ExprArray arguments specify the block structure of the unknown and test spaces.

Member Function Documentation

const TSFArray<CellSet>& Sundance::EquationSet::getCellSets   const [inline]

Definition at line 62 of file EquationSet.h.

References cellSets_.

const TSFArray<WeakForm>& Sundance::EquationSet::oneFormList int    cellSet const [inline]

Definition at line 65 of file EquationSet.h.

References oneForms_.

const TSFArray<WeakForm>& Sundance::EquationSet::twoFormList int    cellSet const [inline]

Definition at line 69 of file EquationSet.h.

References twoForms_.

const TSFArray<ParametricMatrixElement>& Sundance::EquationSet::getParametricElements int    br,
int    bc
const [inline]

Definition at line 73 of file EquationSet.h.

References parametricMatrixBlocks_.

const TSFArray<ParametricVectorElement>& Sundance::EquationSet::getParametricElements int    br const [inline]

Definition at line 78 of file EquationSet.h.

References parametricVectorBlocks_.

AbstractFunctionSpace Sundance::EquationSet::createRowSpace int    blockRow,
const Mesh   mesh

AbstractFunctionSpace Sundance::EquationSet::createColSpace int    blockCol,
const Mesh   mesh

int Sundance::EquationSet::numBlockRows   const [inline]

Definition at line 94 of file EquationSet.h.

References Sundance::ExprArray::length(), and test_.

int Sundance::EquationSet::numBlockCols   const [inline]

Definition at line 97 of file EquationSet.h.

References Sundance::ExprArray::length(), and unk_.

int Sundance::EquationSet::getReducedTestID int    blockRow,
int    testID

int Sundance::EquationSet::getReducedUnkID int    blockCol,
int    unkID

int Sundance::EquationSet::numTestParameters int    blockRow const [inline]

Definition at line 108 of file EquationSet.h.

References numTestParameters_.

int Sundance::EquationSet::numUnknownParameters int    blockCol const [inline]

Definition at line 112 of file EquationSet.h.

References numUnknownParameters_.

bool Sundance::EquationSet::isParametricRow int    blockRow const [inline]

Definition at line 117 of file EquationSet.h.

References isParametricRow_.

bool Sundance::EquationSet::isParametricColumn int    blockCol const [inline]

Definition at line 122 of file EquationSet.h.

References isParametricColumn_.

bool Sundance::EquationSet::isZeroBlock int    blockRow,
int    blockCol
const [inline]

Zero blocks are identified during parsing of the symbolic equation at build time

Definition at line 129 of file EquationSet.h.

References isZeroBlockMatrix_.

Referenced by Sundance::DistributedMatrixBuilder::isZeroBlock().

bool Sundance::EquationSet::isZeroBlock int    blockRow const [inline]

Zero blocks are identified during parsing of the symbolic equation at build time

Definition at line 135 of file EquationSet.h.

References isZeroBlockVector_.

XMLObject Sundance::EquationSet::toXML   const

Referenced by operator<<().

void Sundance::EquationSet::init const Expr   integral,
const EssentialBC   bc

void Sundance::EquationSet::addOneForm int    cs,
int    blockRow,
const Expr   var,
const Expr   coeff,
const QuadratureFamily   quad,
bool    isBC

void Sundance::EquationSet::addTwoForm int    cs,
int    blockRow,
int    blockCol,
const Expr   var,
const Expr   unk,
const Expr   coeff,
const QuadratureFamily   quad,
bool    isBC

void Sundance::EquationSet::groupByCellSet const Expr   eqns,
TSFArray< TSFArray< QuadratureFamily > > &    quad,
TSFArray< ExprArray > &    exprs,
ExprArray   parametricTermsInsideIntegrals,
ExprArray   fieldTermsOutsideIntegrals

Friends And Related Function Documentation

ostream & operator<< ostream &    os,
EquationSet &    eqnSet

Definition at line 234 of file EquationSet.h.

References toXML().

Member Data Documentation

TSFArray<CellSet> Sundance::EquationSet::cellSets_ [private]

Definition at line 168 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by getCellSets().

ExprArray Sundance::EquationSet::test_ [private]

Definition at line 171 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by numBlockRows().

ExprArray Sundance::EquationSet::unk_ [private]

Definition at line 174 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by numBlockCols().

TSFArray<TSFArray<WeakForm> > Sundance::EquationSet::oneForms_ [private]

Definition at line 177 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by oneFormList().

TSFArray<TSFArray<WeakForm> > Sundance::EquationSet::twoForms_ [private]

Definition at line 180 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by twoFormList().

TSFArray<TSFArray<TSFArray<ParametricMatrixElement> > > Sundance::EquationSet::parametricMatrixBlocks_ [private]

Definition at line 184 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by getParametricElements().

TSFArray<TSFArray<ParametricVectorElement> > Sundance::EquationSet::parametricVectorBlocks_ [private]

Definition at line 188 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by getParametricElements().

TSFArray<TSFHashtable<int, int> > Sundance::EquationSet::testIDToReducedIDMap_ [private]

Definition at line 193 of file EquationSet.h.

TSFArray<TSFHashtable<int, int> > Sundance::EquationSet::unkIDToReducedIDMap_ [private]

Definition at line 197 of file EquationSet.h.

TSFArray<bool> Sundance::EquationSet::isParametricRow_ [private]

Definition at line 200 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by isParametricRow().

TSFArray<bool> Sundance::EquationSet::isParametricColumn_ [private]

Definition at line 203 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by isParametricColumn().

TSFArray<int> Sundance::EquationSet::numTestParameters_ [private]

Definition at line 206 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by numTestParameters().

TSFArray<int> Sundance::EquationSet::numUnknownParameters_ [private]

Definition at line 209 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by numUnknownParameters().

TSFArray<TSFArray<bool> > Sundance::EquationSet::isZeroBlockMatrix_ [private]

Definition at line 212 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by isZeroBlock().

TSFArray<bool> Sundance::EquationSet::isZeroBlockVector_ [private]

Definition at line 215 of file EquationSet.h.

Referenced by isZeroBlock().

TSFArray<TSFArray<TSFNonDupArray<BasisFamily> > > Sundance::EquationSet::testBasisList_ [private]

Definition at line 218 of file EquationSet.h.

TSFArray<TSFArray<TSFNonDupArray<BasisFamily> > > Sundance::EquationSet::unkBasisList_ [private]

Definition at line 221 of file EquationSet.h.

TSFArray<TSFArray<TSFNonDupArray<CellSet> > > Sundance::EquationSet::testDomainList_ [private]

Definition at line 224 of file EquationSet.h.

TSFArray<TSFArray<TSFNonDupArray<CellSet> > > Sundance::EquationSet::unkDomainList_ [private]

Definition at line 227 of file EquationSet.h.

bool Sundance::EquationSet::verbose_ [static, private]

Definition at line 230 of file EquationSet.h.

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