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Sundance::Point Class Reference

#include <Point.h>

List of all members.

Public Methods

Static Public Methods

Protected Methods

Protected Attributes

Detailed Description

Point represents a spatial point.

Definition at line 23 of file Point.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Sundance::Point::Point   [inline]

Definition at line 76 of file Point.h.

Sundance::Point::Point const double &    x [inline]

Definition at line 80 of file Point.h.

References x_.

Sundance::Point::Point const double &    x,
const double &    y

Definition at line 86 of file Point.h.

References x_.

Sundance::Point::Point const double &    x,
const double &    y,
const double &    z

Definition at line 93 of file Point.h.

References x_.

Sundance::Point::Point const Point &    other [inline]

Definition at line 101 of file Point.h.

References dim_, and x_.

Member Function Documentation

Point & Sundance::Point::operator= const Point &    other [inline]

Definition at line 107 of file Point.h.

References dim_, and x_.

int Sundance::Point::dim   const [inline]

Definition at line 34 of file Point.h.

References dim_.

Referenced by operator *(), operator+=(), operator-=(), and toString().

double & Sundance::Point::operator[] int    i [inline]

Definition at line 116 of file Point.h.

References boundsCheck(), and x_.

const double & Sundance::Point::operator[] int    i const [inline]

Definition at line 124 of file Point.h.

References boundsCheck(), and x_.

void Sundance::Point::resize int    i [inline]

Definition at line 132 of file Point.h.

References dim_.

Point & Sundance::Point::operator+= const Point &    p [inline]

Definition at line 140 of file Point.h.

References dim(), dim_, and x_.

Point & Sundance::Point::operator-= const Point &    p [inline]

Definition at line 147 of file Point.h.

References dim(), dim_, and x_.

Point & Sundance::Point::operator *= const double &    a [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file Point.h.

References dim_, and x_.

Point & Sundance::Point::operator/= const double &    a [inline]

Definition at line 160 of file Point.h.

References dim_, and x_.

Point Sundance::Point::operator+   const [inline]

Definition at line 173 of file Point.h.

Point Sundance::Point::operator-   const [inline]

Definition at line 166 of file Point.h.

References dim_, and x_.

Point Sundance::Point::operator+ const Point &    p const [inline]

Definition at line 178 of file Point.h.

Point Sundance::Point::operator- const Point &    p const [inline]

Definition at line 185 of file Point.h.

double Sundance::Point::operator * const Point &    p const [inline]

Definition at line 192 of file Point.h.

References dim(), dim_, and x_.

Point Sundance::Point::operator * const double &    a const [inline]

Definition at line 201 of file Point.h.

Point Sundance::Point::operator/ const double &    a const [inline]

Definition at line 208 of file Point.h.

string Sundance::Point::toString   const [inline]

Definition at line 220 of file Point.h.

References dim(), TSF::toString(), and x_.

Referenced by TSF::toString().

bool Sundance::Point::unitTest   [static]

void Sundance::Point::boundsCheck int    i const [protected]

Referenced by operator[]().

Member Data Documentation

int Sundance::Point::dim_ [protected]

Definition at line 68 of file Point.h.

Referenced by dim(), operator *(), operator *=(), operator+=(), operator-(), operator-=(), operator/=(), operator=(), Point(), and resize().

double Sundance::Point::x_[3] [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file Point.h.

Referenced by operator *(), operator *=(), operator+=(), operator-(), operator-=(), operator/=(), operator=(), operator[](), Point(), and toString().

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Kevin Long (

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