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Due date and electronic hand-in

The assignment is due by 10:30 am on Wednesday, February 12. You will have a directory created for your group. It will be located in ``/afs/cs/academic/class/15675/studentdir". You should create a subdirectory called ``a1". This directory should contain 4 text files (besides the c or csh files): ``solution1",``solution2", ``solution3" and ``solution4". Each of the text files should contain:

The directory should also contain the system (source files, especially of all modules modified/added), and appropriate executable files. The system will be graded and tested exclusively from this directory. All changes to code and scripts must be clearly commented in the code and scripts.

Before class on the due date, permissions to the directories will be disabled and you will not be able to modify the files. In addition, there will be a written commentary (due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, February 12) answering the following questions:

  1. What is/are the problem frame(s) for this assignment? Draw problem frame diagrams with domains and principle parts. The diagram on page 183 of Michael Jackson's Software Requirements & Specifications is an appropriate guide for expected content. Precisely designate (describe) the domains shown on your diagram(s). Justify your choice of frame(s). Discuss any issues with fitting the problem to the frame(s) and how you resolved them. The diagrams and designations should reflect the consensus of your team's discussions but should be individually drafted.
  2. Describe the architecture of your system (both the provided part and the parts you added), explaining how it is an example of an pipe-filter architecture, and in what ways (if any) it deviates from the basic pipe-filter style. Describe how your system implements each of the new functionalities required. Justify your design decisions. Be certain to use architectural concepts and vocabulary (not programming language constructs). You should provide architectural diagrams for both provided and modified systems. You should develop the provided system diagrams as a team and include copies in this section. The modified architectural diagrams should be individually developed.
  3. How can the efficiency of the ``no duplicates" implementation be changed by using the sort and uniq filters at different points in the system? (The sorting algorithm has O(n log n) complexity). Describe the possible alternative architectures and consider under what circumstances or cases each solution might be preferred. Include diagrams of your alternative architectures.

The commentary should be your own work: i.e., individuals, not teams for commentary except for items specifically noted for team development.

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Wed Feb 5 18:30:25 EST 1997