Remote Control
The Remote Control is a window with three large buttons:
Back, Help and Go.
The student may click on any of the three buttons.
The remote control object notifies the tutor object
of the student's request
by calling the Notify method.
The Remote Control is a standard Microsoft Foundation Classes
Dialog object that responds to Windows messages by
notifying the tutor object.
Document View
The purpose of the Document View is to convert physical
events within the main application window, such as mouse clicks,
to logical actions and then Notify the tutor object.
The Document View receives Windows messages as input.
The Document View calls the Notify method to notify the tutor
object of the event that has occurred.
The Document View is a specialization of the Microsoft Foundation Classes
Document View.
For Windows-specific technical reasons, the Document View is
actually the object that receives samples and
passes them to the Listener.
The Listener object serves as a specialized interface
to the Sphinx-II speech recognition system.
Besides providing the basic functionality of Sphinx
such as starting utterances, processing samples,
and providing recognition results,
the Listener matches the speech recognition hypothesis
against the text and determines
what words the student missed.
The input to the Listener consists of
speech samples, the text of the sentence,
and (via Sphinx-II) recognition results (both partial
and final hypotheses).
The Listener provides, on demand,
lists of words that the student missed.
The Listener also supplies performance data
to the User Model (not covered in this documentation).
The matching of hypotheses with text is done by
- aligning the hypothesis to the text using a standard
dynamic programming algorithm
- shifting the aligned words to the left
in order to prefer early attachment