Take no action
Interrupt the user and take a turn
Stop speaking
Provide backchannel feedback
Provide a short audible or visual response to encourage the student to continue
Decide that the student's turn is over, based on silence, and take a full conversational turn to respond to the student's reading
Decide that the student's turn is over, based on the end of sentence heuristic, and take a full conversational turn to respond to the student's reading
Prompt the student to do something
The function consists of a set of linearly ordered first order rules; the first rule whose preconditions are met is triggered.
In principle, turn-taking situations are classified by asking four questions:
The preconditions for the rules, as actually implemented, check a number of things:
The preconditions for the turn-taking rules are as follows (excluding "Event Enabled?" since it is included in every rule):
In Utterance? | Tutor Speaking? | Student Speaking? | Discourse State? | Intervention Level? | Decoder Caught Up? | Event Timer(s)? | Listener Condition(s)? | Event |
Don't care | Yes | Yes | In sentence (1) | Don't care | Don't care | listener detects speech > tutor self-interrupts | Self-Interrupt (stop speaking) | |
Yes | No | Don't care | In sentence | Don't care | Don't care | User turn > interrupt user | None | Interrupt user |
Yes | No | No | In sentence | 0 | Don't care | User action clock > backchannel; dead air clock > backchannel | None | Backchannel |
Yes | No | No | In sentence | < 2 | Yes | User action clock > unstick; dead air clock > unstick | None | Unstick |
Yes | No | No | In sentence | Don't care | Don't care | User action clock > take turn; dead air clock > take turn | None | Take Turn |
Yes | No | No | In sentence | Don't care | Yes | None | Listener heard end of sentence | HeardEOS |
Don't care | No | No | Don't care | Don't care | Don't care | User action clock > prompt user; dead air clock > prompt user | None | Prompt User |