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#include "gcl/Forms.h"
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Function Documentation
int FormsXCallback (XEvent * event, Void * data)
Void ObjFormCallback (FL_OBJECT * object, Void * data)
Void fl_activate_group (FL_OBJECT * obj)
Void fl_deactivate_group (FL_OBJECT * obj)
Bool fl_get_menu_item_check (FL_OBJECT * obj, int item)
Void fl_set_menu_item_check (FL_OBJECT * obj, int item, Bool b)
Void fl_update_colors (FL_FORM * form)
Void my_activate (FL_OBJECT * obj)
Void my_deactivate (FL_OBJECT * obj)
ostream & show (ostream & s)
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:16:58 2000 for Graphics Class Library by
1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2000