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Image Class Reference
#include <Image.h>
Inheritance diagram for Image:
List of all members.
Public Members |
 |  | | Image (ImgTag it) |
 |  | virtual Void | SetSize (Int width, Int height) = 0 |
 |  | Int | Height () const |
 |  | Int | Width () const |
 |  | virtual Void | Clear (const Colour &c) = 0 |
 |  | virtual Void | CopyFrom (Int x, Int y, Image &i) |
 |  | virtual Void | GammaCorrect (ClrReal gamma = 2.2) |
 |  | virtual Void | Scale (ClrReal scale) |
 |  | virtual ClrReal | MaxComponent () |
 |  | virtual Colour | AverageColour () |
 |  | virtual Void | FindComponentBounds (Colour &min, Colour &max) |
 |  | virtual Void | Transform (const ClrTrans &trans) |
 |  | | Apply the given colour transformation to the image.
 |  | virtual Void | Over (Int x, Int y, Image &i) |
 |  | virtual Void | DownSample (Image &out) |
 |  | | quick hack for now. do proper arbitrary filtered scaling sometime.
 |  | virtual Void | SetPixel (Int x, Int y, const Colour &c) = 0 |
 |  | virtual Colour | GetPixel (Int x, Int y) const = 0 |
 |  | virtual Void | SetRealPixel (Int x, Int y, ClrReal r, ImgChannel channel = chMono) |
 |  | virtual ClrReal | GetRealPixel (Int x, Int y, ImgChannel channel = chMono) const |
 |  | virtual Void | SetSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, const Colour *src) = 0 |
 |  | virtual Void | GetSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, Colour *dst) const = 0 |
 |  | virtual Void | SetRGBASpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, const RGBAPixel *src) |
 |  | virtual Void | GetRGBASpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, RGBAPixel *dst) const |
 |  | virtual Void | SetRealSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, const ClrReal *src, ImgChannel channel = chMono) |
 |  | virtual Void | GetRealSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, ClrReal *dst, ImgChannel channel = chMono) const |
 |  | virtual Void | SetByteSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, const Byte *src, ImgChannel channel = chMono) |
 |  | virtual Void | GetByteSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, Byte *dst, ImgChannel channel = chMono) const |
 |  | Int | Save (FileName &filename) |
 |  | Int | Load (FileName &filename) |
 |  | Int | SavePPM (const Char *filename) |
 |  | Int | LoadPPM (const Char *filename) |
 |  | Int | SaveTIFF (const Char *filename) |
 |  | Int | LoadTIFF (const Char *filename) |
 |  | Int | SaveJPEG (const Char *filename) |
 |  | Int | LoadJPEG (const Char *filename) |
 |  | Int | SaveGIF (const Char *filename) |
 |  | Int | LoadGIF (const Char *filename) |
 |  | ImgTag | Tag () const |
Static Public Members |
 |  | Void | PrintSupportedFormats (ostream &s) |
 |  | Int | sJPEGQuality = 90 |
Protected Members |
 |  | Int | width |
 |  | Int | height |
 |  | ImgTag | tag |
Detailed Description
Definition at line 72 of file Image.h.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
Member Function Documentation
Colour Image::AverageColour () [virtual]
Void Image::Clear (const Colour & c) [pure virtual]
Void Image::CopyFrom (Int x, Int y, Image & img) [virtual]
Void Image::DownSample (Image & out) [virtual]
quick hack for now. do proper arbitrary filtered scaling sometime.
Definition at line 178 of file
Void Image::FindComponentBounds (Colour & min, Colour & max) [virtual]
Void Image::GammaCorrect (ClrReal gamma = 2.2) [virtual]
Void Image::GetByteSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, Byte * dst, ImgChannel channel = chMono) const [virtual]
virtual Colour Image::GetPixel (Int x, Int y) const [pure virtual]
Void Image::GetRGBASpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, RGBAPixel * dst) const [virtual]
Void Image::GetRealSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, ClrReal * dst, ImgChannel channel = chMono) const [virtual]
virtual Void Image::GetSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, Colour * dst) const [pure virtual]
Int Image::Height () const [inline]
Int Image::Load (FileName & filename)
Int Image::LoadGIF (const Char * filename)
Int Image::LoadJPEG (const Char * filename)
Int Image::LoadPPM (const Char * filename)
Int Image::LoadTIFF (const Char * filename)
ClrReal Image::MaxComponent () [virtual]
Void Image::Over (Int x, Int y, Image & img) [virtual]
Void Image::PrintSupportedFormats (ostream & s) [static]
Int Image::Save (FileName & filename)
Int Image::SaveGIF (const Char * filename)
Int Image::SaveJPEG (const Char * filename)
Int Image::SavePPM (const Char * filename)
Int Image::SaveTIFF (const Char * filename)
Void Image::Scale (ClrReal scale) [virtual]
Void Image::SetByteSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, const Byte * src, ImgChannel channel = chMono) [virtual]
virtual Void Image::SetPixel (Int x, Int y, const Colour & c) [pure virtual]
Void Image::SetRGBASpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, const RGBAPixel * src) [virtual]
Void Image::SetRealSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, const ClrReal * src, ImgChannel channel = chMono) [virtual]
virtual Void Image::SetSize (Int width, Int height) [pure virtual]
virtual Void Image::SetSpan (Int row, Int start, Int length, const Colour * src) [pure virtual]
ImgTag Image::Tag () const [inline]
Void Image::Transform (const ClrTrans & trans) [inline, virtual]
Apply the given colour transformation to the image.
Definition at line 140 of file
Int Image::Width () const [inline]
Member Data Documentation
Int Image::height [protected]
Int Image::sJPEGQuality = 90 [static]
Int Image::width [protected]
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated at Sat Aug 5 00:17:08 2000 for Graphics Class Library by
1.1.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
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