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TVec3 Class Reference
#include <Vec3.h>
List of all members.
Detailed Description
Definition at line 23 of file Vec3.h.
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
TVec3::TVec3 (TVReal x, TVReal y, TVReal z) [inline]
TVec3::TVec3 (const TVec3 & v) [inline]
TVec3::TVec3 (const TVec2 & v, TVReal w) [inline]
TVec3::TVec3 (Axis a) [inline]
Member Function Documentation
Int TVec3::Elts () const [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::MakeBlock (TVReal k = vl_one) [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::MakeUnit (Int n, TVReal k = vl_one) [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::MakeZero () [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::Normalise () [inline]
TVReal * TVec3::Ref () const [inline]
TVec3 TVec3::operator * (TVReal s) const [inline]
TVec3 TVec3::operator * (const TVec3 & a) const [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::operator *= (TVReal s) [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::operator *= (const TVec3 & a) [inline]
Bool TVec3::operator!= (const TVec3 & a) const [inline]
TVec3 TVec3::operator+ (const TVec3 & a) const [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::operator+= (const TVec3 & v) [inline]
TVec3 TVec3::operator- () const [inline]
TVec3 TVec3::operator- (const TVec3 & a) const [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::operator-= (const TVec3 & v) [inline]
TVec3 TVec3::operator/ (TVReal s) const [inline]
TVec3 TVec3::operator/ (const TVec3 & a) const [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::operator/= (TVReal s) [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::operator/= (const TVec3 & a) [inline]
Bool TVec3::operator< (const TVec3 & a) const [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::operator= (ZeroOrOne k) [inline]
TVec3 & TVec3::operator= (const TVec3 & v) [inline]
Bool TVec3::operator== (const TVec3 & a) const [inline]
Bool TVec3::operator>= (const TVec3 & a) const [inline]
const TVReal & TVec3::operator[] (Int i) const [inline]
TVReal & TVec3::operator[] (Int i) [inline]
Member Data Documentation
TVReal TVec3::elt[3] [protected]
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