Research Interests:

Supply chain and operations management
Modeling and analysis of manufacturing and logistics systems
Database Systems Implementation
Management Information Systems
Predictive and Reactive Scheduling Architectures
Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving

Research Vitae:


1.  Subject:    Development of a production management information system for Kashima factory of  Mektron, LTD , Japan.   (Master's Thesis Project, Co-op)

Prof. Suxing Yang, Tsinghua Univ.  & Yi Peng, Mektron, LTD, Japan

Duration:    Sept. 1995 ~ March 1998

Devised the system's core production scheduling algorithm and implement it under a client / server platform      (Windows NT and SQL Server).
Took part in the design and maintenance of a MS-SQL database for Mektron's MIS
Click here to get more detailed description of my co-op job


2.     Subject: Project management for a joint venture glass-making plant in Pudong Development Zone, Shanghai (Summer Internship) 

Advisor: Senior Engineer Jizhi Cao, Engineering Division of Shanghai Baoshan Metal- lurgical Construction Company.
Duration:    July 1995 ~ Sept. 1995
Duties:    Using C++ implemented the Time-coordinate Network Resource Stream Evaluation and Review Technique on personal computers,   providing a computer-aided method for Civil Engineering project management automation.

  • Time-coordinate Network Resource Stream Evaluation and Review Technique, Proc. of 6th Int'l Conf. on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Germany, July 1995: 1495-1500; second author, in English

3      Subject: Development of a Multi-input Time-sharing Detector for the Electric Power Bureau, Handan City, Hebei Province (Undergraduate Diploma Project) 

Advisor:     Prof. Jingxin Tang, Electronics Group, Dept. of Automation
Duration:    Sept. 1994 ~ June 1995
Duties:    Independently accomplished the detector's schematic design, print circuits layout, hardware installation and debugging, PL/M and 8098 assembly programming. The detector uses 8098 single-chip processor as its central processing unit, and has the ability to detect as many as 64 inputs (electricity consumption) at the same time.

  • 8259 Cascading and 8098 Single-chip Interface Design, Electronic Instruments Users, Beijing, 1996 vol.6: 38-41; first author, in Chinese.

4. Subject:    Development of COS4MIC (A Continuous System Simulation Software under Micro-Computer) (Extra-curricular Research Activity)

Advisor:    Assistant Prof. Yi Peng, Simulation Group, Dept. of Automation.
Duration:    Oct.. 1993 ~ Nov. 1994
Duties:    General designer and major programmer of the simulation modeling module; Object-oriented methods were used to build up the simulation library.

5. Subject:     Development of fuzzy air-conditioning controller (Extra-curricular Research Activity)

Advisor:    Dr. Liangjie Zhang, Information Group, Dept. of Automation.
Duration:    July 1993 ~ Sept. 1993
Duties:     Implemented the fuzzy control algorithm using C language.


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