Project LISTEN
A Reading Tutor that Listens
Last updated: 2/4/2014



In the News


Research Basis






(Photo by Joseph Valeri)


In 2012, two students wear BrainBands that log EEG data about their brain states while they use the Reading Tutor.


(Photo by G. Ayorkor Mills-Tettey)

In 2005, Project Kané pilot-tested the Reading Tutor in Ghana, Africa.


(Photo by Debra Tobin)

A third grader uses Project LISTEN's Reading Tutor while the teacher teaches the rest of the class.

(Photo by Mary Beth Sklar)

Children help us test and refine the Reading Tutor at a summer 2000 reading clinic. The extra headphones let us listen in.

(Photo by Susan Rossbach)

10 children use the Reading Tutor at a time in a school lab for a 2000-2001 controlled study.

Congratulations to Cody, Marisela, Michael, Vida, and their teacher Mrs. Lynn Thomas at Webster Elementary School, Webster, Florida, for winning blue ribbons at the County Curriculum Fair, and Honorable Mention in the Toshiba NSTA Exploravision Awards contest! They invented their own Reading Tutor. Then Cody found Project LISTEN on the Internet. Thus began a wonderful correspondence. Way to go, kids! You too, Mrs. Thomas!

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