15-210: Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms


Lecture Notes 1-27

Day Date Topics Covered Notes and Readings
Tue Aug 30 Lecture 1: Overview of 15-210
Algorithms for Sequencing the Genome
lecture notes
Wed Aug 31 Recitation 1 - Parenthesis Matching and SML Review recitation notes
Thu Sep 01 Lecture 2: Algorithmic techniques and Cost Models lecture notes
Tue Sep 06 Lecture 3: Divide-and-Conquer and Recurrences lecture notes
Wed Sep 07 Recitation 2 - Scan recitation notes
Thu Sep 08 Lecture 4: Data Abstraction and Sequences I lecture notes
Tue Sep 13 Lecture 5: More on Sequences lecture notes
Wed Sep 14 Recitation 3 - Proofs and Recurrences recitation notes
Thu Sep 15 Lecture 6: Collect, Sets and Tables lecture notes
Tue Sep 20 Lecture 7: Graph Basics lecture notes
Wed Sep 21 Recitation 4 - MapReduce and Graphs recitation notes
Thu Sep 22 Lecture 8: Graphs Search and BFS lecture notes
Tue Sep 27 Lecture 9: DFS, Weighted Graphs, Shortest Paths lecture notes
Wed Sep 28 Recitation 5 - More Graphs recitation notes
Thu Sep 29 Lecture 10: Single Source Shortest Paths lecture notes
Tue Oct 04 Lecture 11: All pairs Shortest Paths lecture notes
Wed Oct 05 Recitation 6 - Exam Review
Thu Oct 06 Lecture 12: EXAM 1 : NO CLASS
Tue Oct 11 Lecture 13: Graph Contraction lecture notes
Wed Oct 12 Recitation 7 - Exam Debriefing recitation notes
Thu Oct 13 Lecture 14: Graph Contraction Cont. and Probability lecture notes
Tue Oct 18 Lecture 15: MST lecture notes
Wed Oct 19 Recitation 8 - Analyzing (Randomized) Algorithms recitation notes
Thu Oct 20 Lecture 16: Bipartite Graphs, Error Correcting Codes, and Set Cover lecture notes
Tue Oct 25 Lecture 17: Sparse Matrices: Vector and Matrix Operations lecture notes
Wed Oct 26 Recitation 9 - Graphs and Matrices recitation notes
Thu Oct 27 Lecture 18: Search Trees: Split/Join/Union and Treaps lecture notes
Tue Nov 01 Lecture 19: Search Trees: Union analysis and Quicksort lecture notes
Wed Nov 02 Recitation 10 - Set Representation, QuickSort Review recitation notes
Thu Nov 03 Lecture 20: Search Trees: Balanced Trees and High Probability Bounds lecture notes
Tue Nov 08 Lecture 21: Fun with Trees : Ordered Sets and Augmenting Trees lecture notes
Wed Nov 09 Recitation 11 - Exam Review
Thu Nov 10 Lecture 22: EXAM 2
Tue Nov 15 Lecture 23: Augmenting Trees and Leftist Heaps lecture notes
Wed Nov 16 Recitation 12 - Interval Stabbing with Augmented Trees and Exam Debriefing recitation notes
Thu Nov 17 Lecture 24: Leftist Heap Analysis and Lower Bounds for Sorting and Merging lecture notes
Tue Nov 22 Lecture 25: Hashing lecture notes
Wed Nov 23 Happy Thanksgiving - No Class
Thu Nov 24 Happy Thanksgiving - No Class
Tue Nov 29 Lecture 26: Dynamic Programming I lecture notes
Wed Nov 30 Recitation 13 - Removing Duplicates using Hashing, Longest Palindromic Subsequence recitation notes
Thu Dec 01 Lecture 27: Dynamic Programming II lecture notes
Tue Dec 06 Lecture 28: Finish Dynamic Programming, Other Parallel Languages
Thu Dec 08 Lecture 29: Other Parallel Languages, Review
last modified 13:31, 01 Dec 2011
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The development of this course was supported in part by generous gifts from Intel's Higher Education Program, Microsoft Research, and IBM Research.