I covered much of what you need to know for the homework in section. Anything I didn't cover is in sections 2.1-2.3 of Lewis and What's-his-name.
Question 2 is not as straight forward as it looks; note that in order to answer question 6, there is something "tricky about substrings such as anaan." Keep this in mind while answering question 2.
Try to take a shot at question 3 before the end of the weekend. If enough people don't understand the book's presentation of the translation, I will hold a review session explaining how to do that type of problem.
For question 5, give an example or category of examples that would cause the time required to be longer than the file length.
In question 8, make sure that if you use a theorem or proof technique that you clearly state the assumptions and premises that allow you to use it.
Page maintained by Salvatore Domenick Desiano (sal@ri.cmu.edu).