Section D
15-212, Spring 1998

Wednesday, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Student Center, Room 203

Instructor: Salvatore Desiano
Office Hours: Tuesday, 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Office: Bureau of Mines - Building D, Room 308
Phone: 412.268.8130

Current Deadlines
Important Links
Class Roster

Current Deadlines

DateTitle Comments
Wednesday, February 18
9 a.m., electronically
Programming Project 1 See course project page for more information
Wednesday, February 18
9 a.m., electronically
Madam, I'm Adam Extra credit, Section D only
See Section D extra credit guidelines

Wednesday, February 18Java Tutorial
Getting Started
Except The "Hello World" Applet
Learning the Java Langauge
The first two sections
Essential Java Classes
Only The String and StringBuffer Classes, Using the System Class, and The Standard I/O Streams.
Do these before writing the first project, unless you know Java already (and, if you do, make sure to skim them)
Wednesday, February 18Java in a Nutshell Chapter 1 (skim)
Chapter 2
These are much easier after doing the tutorial


15-212 Java


By now, you should have completed the following reading (in reverse order [ok, so it wasn't reversed before... so sue me]):





Programming Projects


Lewis and Papadimitriou


There are only four topics that I ever want to get an e-mail from you about:
  1. Suggestions of topics to cover in section,
  2. Questions about material covered in lecture or section or the book,
  3. Commentary (anonymous if you would like) about section or lecture, or
  4. Anything else you'd like to tell me
So, get on the horn and give me a holler!


  1. Homework X (January 21, 1998)
  2. Teaspoon of Java (January 21, 1997)
    Homework 1 (January 21, 1998)
    Homework 1 Solutions (January 30, 1998)
  3. It's Greek to Me (January 28, 1998)
  4. Rosetta Stone (delayed)
  5. From NFSA to DFSA (delayed)

  6. Homework 2 (January 28, 1998)
    Homework 2 Solutions (February 7, 1998)
    Homework 3 (February 4, 1998)
  7. Decidedly Difficult (February 4, 1998)
    Programming Project 1 (February 11, 1998)
    Midterm 1 Solutions (February 11, 1998)
  8. Madam, I'm Adam (February 11, 1998)
  9. Customer Satisfaction Survey (March 18, 1998)


Name Department e-mail (@andrew)
Anson Yu-Hung AnnJunior, ECEann
Akshay BhargavaSophomore, Computer Scienceakshayb
Rahul BhargavaSophomore, ECErahulb
Bharat S BhatSophomore, ECEbhat
Gregory Byrne BlankJunior, ECEblank
Manu BumbSophomore, ECEbumb
Cuong DoSophomore, Computer Sciencedo
Ranjit JoseJunior, ECErj2h
Yasuaki HarasakiFifth yr. senior, Psychologyyh0g
Jeremy D HornSophomore, Physicsjhorn
Scott Michael JanowitzSophomore, Social & Decision Sciencesjanowitz
Jeffrey Y LeeSophomore, ECEjylee
David J LinSophomore, ECEdjl
Erik MisavageJunior, H&SS Undeclaredmisavage
Mark D O'KeeffeSophomore, Computer Scienceokeeffe
Fani A PavlovaSophomore, Computer Sciencepavlova
Joanne P PonsJunior, Social & Decision Sciencespons
Valmiki El RaoJunior, ECEvr29
Roger J ReedSophomore, Social & Decision Sciencesrreed
Matthew Peter SchwartzJunior, Mechanical Engineeringschwartz
Michael D ScottSophomore, ECEmdscott
Chirag G ShahSophomore, ECEcgs
Lee R TaylorSophomore, ECElrt
Weechoon TeoSophomore, ECEwteo
Kush Tej TyagiSophomore, ECEtyagi
Weilian Wei ZhangSophomore, ECEwwz

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Page maintained by Salvatore Domenick Desiano (
