From Fri Feb 13 19:52:13 1998 Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 19:50:28 -0500 (EST) From: Speck of DustTo: 15-212 Section D Subject: 15-212D: 2/11/98 Hope the program is going well! Sorry this is so long -- there's a lot to relate. ----------------------------- Program #1 Homework Grading Programming Teams Roman Palendromes Program Submission Grading Appeals Extra Credit Guidelines Newsgroup Web Page Section Notes ----------------------------- PROGRAM #1 I recieved an e-mail asking how to have multiple methods (functions) in a Java class. This is, of course, possible, and it is covered in the tutorial. However, it is not really neccesary for this week's program. HOMEWORK GRADING There has been some understandable confusion about the grading scheme used on the homeworks. Here's the short of it: Every homework is worth the same amount (together, they make up your homework grade). Within a homework, each question is weighted equally with ten points. This is the easy part. The hard part is that each question was graded on a different scale and scaled to 10 points. Homework 1 was out of eight points, one point per question. Homework 2 was out of sixty points, ten points per question, scaled from 1, 10, or 15, depending on what question it is. Assignments from our section (Greek, Teaspoon, Difficult) are always out of ten points. PROGRAMMING TEAMS According to my notes from class today, here are the groups: 1 Jeff and Chirag 2 Mark and Sandra (Section A) 3 Jeremy and Rahul 4 Anson and Joanne 5 Bharat and Miki 6 Ranjit and Fani 7 Akshay and David 8 Erik and Weewee 9 Cuong and Roger 10 Yasu and Matt 11 Greg and Manu 12 Wee and Kush 13 Lee and Scott 14 Mike and Himself Please e-mail me by midnight tonight if your group is incorrect. Also, regarding team names... you guys aren't elementary school kids, and you don't need to have neat names on things to motivate you to do them. However, I, somehow, have to remember the members of 14 different teams. It makes things much easier if I can associate a name, rather than a number, with the team. If any groups would prefer, I will refer to your team by number. ROMAN PALENDROMES Someone asked me why the thing at the top of handout #7 (Madam I'm Adam) is a palendrome (the cross-like thing). Well, there are two mistakes on the handout. First, the palendrome being refered to in the first line was cut accidentally and is: S A T O R A R E P O T E N E T O P E R A R O T A S And can be read four ways! Now, there's a cross made up of the word Tenet in there, and the letters can be *rearranged* to make up the cross that you have on your handout. There ya go. Don't every say I never learn'd ya nuthin. PROGRAM SUBMISSION The guidelines for program submission are now on the web. They say "Working Draft", but the only thing we might change is how the group id's are assigned. Please be sure to read the sections on grading (including programming style) and cross-platform development. Note that the group directories are not yet set up; we're still waiting on Section C to get their groups together. GRADING APPEALS It is important to review the solutions to the homework carefully, and it is also true that the homeworks do not count for very much (each homework counts for approximately 20%/6 = 3% of your final grade). HOWEVER, it is also important that you understand what you did wrong, and it is also slightly possible that your homework is misgraded. Under no circumstances should any of you avoid asking me about the grading of or reasoning behind a particular question on the homework or midterm simply because I can assign your class participation grade. I have told you how I will be assigning that grade, and you are by no means pestering me if you want to meet with me. EXTRA CREDIT GUIDELINES Please read the Section D Extra credit guidelines (under the Links section on our page). I don't want anybody screwing up other classwork for a few points of extra credit. Now, if you're going to screw it up just because you enjoy programming, that's your own business. It's short. NEWSGROUP People are still neglecting to read the newsgroup. This can waste your time; last week, ten people did question six, and none of them had to (as you all know, by now). I will try to let you know everything you need to know by e-mail, but some things are published through the newsgroup. I'd read them about once a day (in fact, I do). WEB PAGE I've done a bunch of work reworking the web page. As per class request, the week's reading are now there, as well as the current assignments. I've also added links to the Java Tutorial and Java Library documentation. SECTION NOTES Administrata: Homework 1, 2, Teaspoon of Java, Greek to Me, Decidedly Difficult returned Please split your homework (most people did, this week) Postcript and text versions of handouts in afs (not on web, yet) Partners Partners, numbers assigned Theory: Midterm By class vote, we didn't go over this Conclusion No more theory until last two weeks (P vs. NP, then) We may use CFG on the last assignment Java: Reading See section web page Program Submission See course web page Palindrome program Basic structure of Java program Basic outline of program Until Miercoles, -- Sal smile.
Page maintained by Salvatore Domenick Desiano (