Pedantia: Section, January 21
Section D
15-212, Spring 1998
January 21, 1998
From Sun Jan 25 17:41:48 1998
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 14:59:43 -0500 (EST)
From: Speck of Dust
To: 15-212 Class List
Subject: 15-212 Section D: 1/21/98
In the future (and starting now, which quickly becomes the past), I'm
going to try to take care of administrata over e-mail. That way we don't
waste class time on this stufff.
- In case you didn't get it down:
Salvatore Desiano
BOM-D, Room 308, 268-8130
- Books:
You should own at least Java in a Nutshell, the book with the word
"theory" in the title, and another book on Java if you feel that you
will need to start from first principles. There's no need to worry about
Java for at least two weeks. If anyone knows of any good books for
learning Java, please e-mail me the title.
- Homework Deadline:
There was some question about when the homework is due. The "Teaspoon of
Java" assignment should be mailed to me by midnight, Monday. The two
homeworks (X and 1) are due in section on Wednesday. No late assignments
will be accepted this week.
- Office Hours:
I'm thinking about Tuesdays, 3-4 in the afternoon. If anybody can't make
it to that time at all, please let me know now. Of course, you can
always e-mail me to make an appointment at some other time.
- Collaboration:
There is, essentially, no collaboration on problem sets. The official
policy is on the web page, www/tests.html (or under "Syllabus" from the
main page). Feel free, however, to work through problems similar to the
problem set together.
- Cookies:
I have a few of the surveys back, and the best they came up with was
"Chocolate Chip" (though, somebody only wanted them if we had milk)
There are thousands of brands of cookies out there... you can do better
than that!
- Homework Issues:
[See Homework #1 Issues under "Pedantia" on the 15-212D web page]
- Following are topics that I covered in section today, and that you all
said you understood (If you don't understand any of them, please let me
- Homework (Handout #1)
- Course Policies
- Grading
- Regrading
- Homework
- Class participation
- Java
- Java in a Nutshell
- Just Java
- Teaspoon of Java (Handout #2)
- DFSA (2.1)
- What they are
- How they work
- Three representations (state diagram, two function tables)
- NFSA (2.2)
- Difference from DFSA
- What they are
- How they work
- Equivalence to DFSA
- Regular Expressions (2.3)
- Special characters
- How to construct one (I didn't discuss this in depth, but if you don't
know, contact me)
See you in pictures,
-- Sal
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