Instructor: Gary Miller

TA: Timothy Chu

Class: MWF 10:30-11:20

Room: GHC 5222

Office Hours:

GM: Mon 2-3 PM and Thur 2-3 in Gates 8109

TC: Wed 2-3 PM in Gates 7515 or by appointment

    We will be using Piazza for discussions


  • 12/14 Hints for Final [PDF]
  • 12/13 Final is out [PDF]
  • 08/24 Be sure to read the Syllabus [PDF]
  • 09/8 Homework 0 is out and due on the 13th [PDF]
  • 09/22 Homework 1 is out and due on the 10/6 [PDF]
  • 09/22 Tim Chu has posted his office hours times (Wed 2-3 PM in Gates 7515).
  • 09/30 Homework 1: Clarification of problem 5, see updated version [PDF]
  • 09/30 Homework 1: Clarification of problem 1.2, linear space is no longer required (we made an error). See updated version [PDF]
  • 10/09 Homework 1 is out and due on the 10/19 [PDF]
  • 11/26 Homework 4 is out [PDF]
  • triangulated steelers logo