Integrating OpenCV with Tekkotsu

Ilya Matiach

15-494: Cognitive Robotics

Porting OpenCV (and SIFT) to Tekkotsu

Before installing openCV I had to install tekkotsu and sift.  The official instructions for installing tekkotsu can be found here:

Make sure to install all of the dependencies beforehand (and make sure they are 32 bit, otherwise they will not work on the Chiara).  Personally I used the commands:

cvs -d checkout -P Tekkotsu

cvs -d checkout -P sift-standalone

to install the tekkotsu framework and SIFT.

Installing openCV on my laptop wasn't too difficult, although I had to go through several tutorials before finding one that worked for me.  You can find the tutorial I used for various versions of ubuntu here:

On my laptop I am running Hardy Heron.

For some reason the official openCV installation instructions gave me trouble.  You can find them here:

On the Chiara tekkotsu runs on a 32 bit version of ubuntu.  I had to port and link all of the required openCV libraries using ldconfig (eg: for the library that tekkotsu uses, you would type ldconfig

I created a shell script to copy all required files from /usr/lib to a folder.

  • Shell Script
  • However, I did not need all of those libraries. I would recommend going through all of the dependencies individually when you run your code (eg, after typing ./tekkotsu-CHIARA you will get an error message detailing which libraries you are missing).

    I would post all of the libraries if the total size was not so big... the total size on disk required for all of the libraries was about 200 MB. This is the official list of installed libraries that I used for my code:

    Please note that your dependencies may be different if you are running other functions in openCV.