CMU 15-859N: Spectral Graph Theory with Applications to ML, Spring 2021,
Course Policies
Course Recordings
Lecture 1: -
Introduction and Course topics
Lecture 2: Random Walks on Graphs and Cummute Time
Lecture 3: Random Walks on Graphs and Mixing
Lecture 4: -
Random Walks on Graphs and Mixing
Lecture 5: -
Perron Frobenius and Symmetric Perron Frobenius
Lecture 6: -
Differential Equations, Matrix Exponentials and Laplacians
Lecture 7: -
Bounding Eigenvalues, Courant-Fischer, and Path Embedding
Lecture 8: -
Graph Sparsifiers and Ahlswede-Winter Thm
Lecture 9: -
Matrix Chernoff Bounds, Ahlswede-Winter, Tropp
Lecture 10: -
Golden-Thompson using Weyl’s Majorant Theorem
Lecture 11: -
Graph Cuts and Eigenvalues: Cheeger inequality
Lecture 12: -
Direct Linear Solvers and Nested Dissection for Planar Graphs
Lecture 13: -
Solving Linear Systems: The Basic Iterative Method, Extrapolated Method, Chebyshev acceleration
Lecture 14: -
Conjugate Gradient Method and Steepest Descent
Lecture 16: -
Conjugate Gradient Method Analysis
Lecture 17: -
Fiedler's Thm and Generalized Laplacian's
Lecture 18: -
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method and Low Stretch Spanning Trees
Lecture 19: -
Eigenvalues and Vectors by Iterative Methods
Lecture 20: -
Graph Maximum Cut via Spectral
Lecture 21: -
Graph Maximum Cut via Spectral Continued
Lecture 22: - No Recording
Lecture 23: -
Solving Symmetric Diagonally Dominate Linear Systems
Lecture 24: -
"Random Walks with Restarts and Spilling Paint
Lecture 25: -
Counting Random Trees
Lecture 26: -
The Markov Chain Tree Theorem
Lecture 27: - No Recording
Lecture 28: -
Random Walks and Matching
Lecture 29: -
Maximum Flow via Electrical Flow
Lecture 30: -
Nesterov and LRS MaxFlow
Lecture 31: -
Probability 101, The Exponential Dist., Low Diameter Decomposition
Lecture 32: -
Exp. Dist. and Spanners