15-883: Computational Models of Neural Systems
Fall 2017

General Class Information

Date/Time/Place: Mondays/Wednesdays, 4:30 to 5:50 PM, starting August 28, 2017, in GHC 4211 (Gates Hillman Center).

Instructor: Dave Touretzky, 9013 GHC (drop by any time, or email for an appointment)
email: dst@cs.cmu.edu, phone: 412-268-7561

Course home page (this page): http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/academic/class/15883-f17


Lecture Schedule

Readings Archive

Matlab demos

Handouts: homeworks, exams, miscellaneous materials.

Piazza class discussion site

Online Resources:

CogNet contains digital versions of many MIT Press books on computational neuroscience topics.

Getting Started with MATLAB, MATLAB function list, Comprehensive MATLAB Documentation.

Anatomy: BrainInfo, The Digital Anatomist, The Whole Brain Atlas

Dave Touretzky
Carnegie Mellon University