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The Computer Vision Homepage is divided into several categories. Select the
category that best describes your link by clicking on the associated image,
then fill out the form that magically appears. Each form contains
category-specific instructions as well as examples of typical field values.
If you are unsure of the category for your link, try reading the category descriptions. Once you have filled out
the form, press the submit button at the bottom of the page.
The emphasis of the Computer Vision Homepage is on computer vision
research. Please do not submit links that are not related to
computer vision. They will not be added.
All submissions are verified and possibly edited for
content before being officially added to the Computer Vision Homepage, but
in the meantime, you can verify your submission on the unfiled
entries page. If you have problems with a submission form (such as
"It's not working" or "My browser does not support forms"), send email
to us (vision+@cs.cmu.edu) with a description of the problem and
the details of the link which you would like to add. We'll fix the problem
and add your link to boot.
In order to maintain quality of the links listed on the Computer Vision
Homepage, we request that you follow a few general guidelines in the
creation of your website:
- No unfinished links - Finish building your site before
submitting it. Nothing is more frustrating than clicking on links that are
"under construction" or non-existent.
- English language version - Our site is read by people all over
the world, and in order to reach the widest possible audience, we request
that you provide an English language version of your site. We realize that
this may be a burdonsome request, but we cannot effectively moderate and
maintain submissions in every language.
You might find these tips
on writing better HTML from Mark Maimone's Web tutorial
Category descriptions
- Groups - Research groups working on computer vision problems
- Hardware - Hardware of direct interest to computer vision researchers
- Software - Software packages or libraries that would be useful for vision researchers
- Demos - Online demonstrations of computer vision algorithms
- Test Images - Test images and video clips used for computer vision
- Conferences - Computer vision related conferences, workshops, and symposia
- Publications - Online publications, books, journals, tutorials, etc.
- General Info - Miscellaneous information relating to computer vision, including newsgroups, FAQ's, and archives
- Related Links - Information that may be only tangentially related to computer vision but is still relevant to research in the field
Reporting updates and broken links
The forms don't support updates to existing links or reports of broken
links. If you suspect a link is broken, please make sure that the problem
is not just a temporary bad network connection or a misbehaving server. To
report broken links, updates, or anything else, send email to us at
Thanks for supporting the Computer
Vision Home Page!
Computer Vision Homepage (last updated Thu Sep 27 13:44 EDT 2001)
Please submit new links using our forms interface or
send email to vision+@cs.cmu.edu.
visits since June 5, 1998.