Plenary Slides
22/11/10 15:59
For the plenary session that was held during the symposium, David Pynadath created a set of slides that neatly summarized the subjects and discussions held. So I am making these slides available here.
Symposium is over
19/11/10 14:59
Thank you who attended for coming to the symposium, our discussion-centered format would not have worked without the participation and interest of the people who came to Arlington and contributed to the discussion. We will post the slides we have from the participants in this website as we get them. Moreover, as we finish writing the survey paper we intended to write, we will make sure to inform everyone of its publication.
Availability of accepted papers
04/11/10 15:41
Unfortunately, symposium organizers cannot post the table of contents with links to papers on their sites. The papers will be available in the AAAI Digital Library just prior to the commencement of the symposium. In order to obtain the papers prior to the symposium, please look at the following URL, which will be updated with 2010 papers next week.
List of accepted papers published
02/09/10 19:06
We have finally added the list of accepted papers to the website, check it out here.
Invited Speakers confirmed
25/08/10 10:16
Most invited speakers have already responded positively to attending PAA-2010. We shall publish the tentative schedule shortly.
Notifications delayed
10/06/10 10:07
Since we decided to accept late submissions, we have had additional work on reviewing the papers, and will only be able to send notifications to authors on monday, the 14th of June.
Deadlines extended
13/05/10 08:42
Since the original deadline was placed at the end of the week of AAMAS, ICAPS and KR, we thought we should give an additional week for submissions.
EasyChair website created
18/03/10 12:35
We now have an EasyChair website for the submissions, details of the submission procedure will be updated soon.
Important Dates Updated
16/03/10 16:41
Updated official dates for submissions and notifications after they have been decided by AAAI.