Stable model semantics ( SM) was introduced by Gelfond and Lifschitz [18] as a tool to provide a semantics for logic programs with negation. their original proposal is now one of the standard semantics for logic programs. We now recall the definition of propositional stable model.
Let be a propositional, general logic program. Let
be a subset
(i.e., an interpretation) of the atoms of
. Let
be the
program obtained from
in the following way: if a clause
contains in its body a negated atom
such that
is deleted; if a body of a clause contains a negated atom
such that
is deleted from the body of the
clause. If
is a least Herbrand model of
is a
stable model of
For the formalism SM, we consider the program as the knowledge
base. We write
to denote that query
is implied
by a logic program
under Stable Model semantics.
In order to prove our result, we need to define the kernel of a graph.
We can now state the theorem on the compilability class of inference in the stable model semantics, and the corresponding theorem compactness class.
Proof. Membership in the class follows from the fact that the problem is coNP-complete [40]. For the hardness, we adapt the proof of Marek and Truszczynski [40] showing that deciding whether a query is true in all stable models is coNP-hard.
Let KERNEL be the language
such that
is a graph with at least one kernel. Let
, and observe that
cannot have more vertices than its size
We show that for each , there exists a logic program
such that
for every graph
with at most
vertices, there exists a query
has a kernel iff
Let the alphabet of be composed by the following
propositional letters:
The program is defined as:
As a result, this is a
reduction. We now show that this reduction is
correct, i.e.,
has a kernel) iff
If-part. Suppose
. Then, there
exists a stable model
such that
Observe that
is equivalent to the conjunction of all
such that
, and all
such that
. Simplifying
we obtain
the clauses:
is a vertex cover of G, since
for each edge
should satisfy the corresponding clause
, hence either
, or
Moreover, for each
, the atom
is in
and since
is a stable model, there exists a clause
such that
, that is,
. Therefore,
is a kernel of
Only-if part. Suppose has a kernel
, and let
. Let
be the interpretation