Two observations guided the present work. The first one is that there are two sources of complexity in planning:
The second observation is that planning problems have a great deal of structure. Plans are a type of graph with strong semantics, determined by both the general properties of planning and each particular domain specification. This structure should and can be exploited to improve the efficiency of the planning process.
Prompted by the previous observations, we developed a novel approach for efficient planning in optimization domains: Planning by Rewriting (PbR). The framework works in two phases:
As motivation, consider the optimization domains of distributed query processing and manufacturing process planning.2 Distributed query processing [84] involves generating a plan that efficiently computes a user query from data that resides at different nodes in a network. This query plan is composed of data retrieval actions at diverse information sources and operations on this data (such as those of the relational algebra: join, selection, etc). Some systems use a general-purpose planner to solve this problem [49]. In this domain it is easy to construct an initial plan (any parse of the query suffices) and then transform it using a gradient-descent search to reduce its cost. The plan transformations exploit the commutative and associative properties of the (relational algebra) operators, and facts such as that when a group of operators can be executed together at a remote information source it is generally more efficient to do so. Figure 1 shows some sample transformations. Simple-join-swap transforms two join trees according to the commutative and associative properties of the join operator. Remote-join-eval executes a join of two subqueries at a remote source, if the source is able to do so.
In manufacturing, the problem is to find an economical plan of machining operations that implement the desired features of a design. In a feature-based approach [60], it is possible to enumerate the actions involved in building a piece by analyzing its CAD model. It is more difficult to find an ordering of the operations and the setups that optimize the machining cost. However, similar to query planning, it is possible to incrementally transform a (possibly inefficient) initial plan. Often, the order of actions does not affect the design goal, only the quality of the plan, thus many actions can commute. Also, it is important to minimize the number of setups because fixing a piece on a machine is a rather time consuming operation. Interestingly, such grouping of machining operations on a setup is analogous to evaluating a subquery at a remote information source.
As suggested by these examples, there are many problems that combine the characteristics of traditional planning satisfiability with quality optimization. For these domains there often exist natural transformations that may be used to efficiently obtain high-quality plans by iterative rewriting. Planning by Rewriting provides a domain-independent framework that allows plan transformations to be conveniently specified as declarative plan-rewriting rules and facilitates the exploration of efficient (local) search techniques.