Next: Jeff Siskind's Lexicon Learning
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The output produced by WOLFIE can be used to assist a larger language
acquisition system; in particular, it is currently used as part of the
input to a parser acquisition system called CHILL (Constructive
Heuristics Induction for Language Learning). CHILL uses
inductive logic programming [Muggleton1992,Lavrac Dzeroski1994]
to learn a deterministic shift-reduce parser [Tomita1986] written in Prolog. The
input to CHILL is a corpus of sentences paired with semantic
representations, the same input required by WOLFIE. The parser
learned is capable of mapping the sentences into their correct
representations, as well as generalizing well to novel sentences. In
this paper, we limit our discussion to CHILL's ability to acquire parsers that map
natural language questions directly into Prolog queries that can be
executed to produce an answer [Zelle Mooney1996]. Following are two
sample queries for a database on U.S. geography, paired with their
corresponding Prolog query:
What is the capital of the state with the biggest population?
answer(C, (capital(S,C), largest(P, (state(S), population(S,P))))).
What state is Texarkana located in?
answer(S, (state(S), eq(C,cityid(texarkana,_)), loc(C,S))).
CHILL treats parser induction as the problem of learning rules to control
the actions of a shift-reduce parser. During parsing, the current
context is maintained in a stack and a buffer
containing the remaining input. When parsing is complete, the stack
contains the representation of the input sentence.
There are three types of operators that the parser uses to construct logical
queries. One is the introduction onto the stack of a predicate needed
in the sentence representation due to a phrase's appearance at the front
of the input buffer.
These operators
require a semantic lexicon as background knowledge.
For details on this and the
other two parsing operators, see Zelle (1996). By using WOLFIE,
the lexicon is provided automatically. Figure 1
illustrates the
Figure 1:
The Integrated System
complete system.
Next: Jeff Siskind's Lexicon Learning
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Cindi Thompson